Working women and men, unemployed people, young women and men,
All together in the Strike – All together in the demonstration on Thursday December 1st at Omonoia sq. at 11a.m.
All together in the struggle. All together in the battle. On DECEMBER 1st nobody goes to work. All factories, offices, ports must be deserted. Engines must be shut down. Propellers must stop turning. General Meetings must be held at every workplace now and collective decisions for the massive participation in the strike and the escalation of the struggle must be taken.
Solidarity amongst the working class must strengthen everywhere.
Hands off the Collective Agreements. No to the wages’ reduction. The antilabour laws on the Collective Agreements and the Labour Relations must be abolished now.
The wave of disobedience to the fines must be generalized. The Public Electricity Enterprise must not dare to approach the neighbourhoods to cut the electricity supply. The fines must be abolished now.
We must not allow them to dissolve the Social Security Funds and to level down our pensions. Lenders must not get paid; wages and pensions must be paid.
No unemployed person must be without provisions in health, welfare, without life’s bare necessities.
Nobody should be alone against the employers’ attack, the dismissals, the labour reserve (a measure which aims at dismissals through a year of leave of absence at 60% of the already reduced salary).
The profits of the big capital must be taxed with a 45% rate. Tax-free threshold at 40,000€ for every labour – popular family and 5,000€ additionally for every child.
No to the sell out of the public property to the monopolies.
We do not have another choice. Either we will bend to our knees and we will accept to work for 500 and 300 euros permanently, being half-unemployed or unemployed, without rights in order for the profits of monopolies and E.U to be saved, or we will enter new struggles for the overthrow of the brutal antipopular policy.
Together with PAME, for a united front of resistance everywhere, in factories, in every workplace and neighbourhood, in schools and villages against the escalation of the war of the employers, government, E.U. Together with PAME for a strong, determined movement of rupture and overthrow.
The workers, the popular strata do not have anything hopeful to expect from the new government. On the contrary, we must strengthen the slogan “DOWN WITH THE GOVERNMENT AND THE PARTIES OF THE PLUTOCRACY”. ELECTIONS NOW.
The government must not buy time. The target of the government of the black front of PASOK (social democrats), N.D. (conservatives), LAOS (nationalists) is to apply new brutal measures, to downgrade further more wages and pensions, to make the labour relations even more flexible, to impose new taxes on the people. They want to sacrifice everything for the sake of the monopolies’ competitiveness.
We must utilize the positive experience from the 48-hour strike on October 19th and 20th. This struggle led the government of PASOK to a difficult position and finally to its overthrow. We must reject the blackmailing dilemmas put by the government, the parties of the plutocracy, E.U. We must reject the policies that condemn us to poverty, unemployment, exploitation.
Their own wealth depends on our own poverty
The working class, the self-employed people, the youth, the poor farmers must strengthen the class-oriented struggles and their alliance. They must aim to take into their own hands the means of production and the power.
It is either us or them. The lies are over. No gear turns without us.
We must continue the struggle more decisively, more strongly, even more massively. We must raise the flag of the class-oriented struggles even higher in every factory and workplace.
No worker, no unemployed person must be absent. They must come closer to PAME, they must become organized within the trade unions, they must express their anger in a militant and class-oriented way. They must more impetuously refuse to pay the fines. Nobody must be deceived from the calls for consensus and social coherence. There is no common interest with our exploiters. They must reject blackmails and terrorism. They must not surrender and downgrade their life to feed the capital with interests.
THIS STRIKE IS NOT ONLY ANOTHER STRIKE. We must reject the new budget which massacres the popular strata. The continuous fines and the new taxes, the huge reduction of wages and social expenses, the attack and the slaughter of the rights are supplemented through new tax-exemptions and privileges for the capital. For all these, our response must be the organization of struggle everywhere. Movement of rupture and overthrow of the antipopular policy. The capital must pay.
The strike on December 1st IS A STRIKE OF CONTINUATION AND ESCALATION of the struggle against the war the plutocracy has launched against us.
No tolerance, no consensus, no delay. The people can respond in a militant way to the black front, they can counterattack blackmails and terrorism.
Working women and men, young women and men,
PAME calls all of you to participate in the Strike and the demonstration on Thursday December 1st at Omonoia sq, at 11a.m.
All together on the way the steel workers of Elefsina have paved.
Counterattack for the Labour Popular Power where people will be in charge of the wealth they produce, without monopolies, release from E.U. and unilateral cancellation of the debt.
November 2011