64 years after the Holocaust in Hiroshima – Nagasaki

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The Executive Committee of P.A.ME for the anniversary of the holocaust in Hiroshima and Nagasaki notes:

We condemn the U.S.A, the first and the only country in the world that used nuclear weapons on the 6th and 9th of August 1945, leveling the two cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing 300.000 innocent people, although since then the outcome of war had been decided.

The competitions among the imperialists (U.S.A, E.E. and Russia) for the sharing of new markets and geographical areas create explosive conditions all around the planet. The danger for new interventions of imperialists has become imminent. The possibility for use of nuclear weapons increases and the main responsibility lays on the aggressive action of the imperialist powers.

The U.S.A. don’t stop their plans for the anti-missile shield. The Obama’s assurances for conversation and self control do not persuade people all over the world. N.A.T.O celebrated its 60th anniversary of its foundation strengthening its plans for the establishment of its role as a universal police officer as well as the worldwide approval by people. It gets prepared to reinforce its action also out of the borders of the member-states turning its arrows against popular movements and those who dare doubt the interests of monopolies and imperialism.

The war in Iraq continues. The number of occupation forces of N.A.T.O in Afganistan increases and the participation of Russia has become more active. New imperialist interventions are planned. Israel keeps up exterminating the Palestinians and gets prepared for preventive military intervention in Iran under the forbearance of the U.S.A. In addition N.A.T.O strengthens its presence in Somalia and aims at Yemen.

At the same time the European Union promotes its militarization and the improvement of its “operational ability” for imperialist interventions all over the world. Simultaneously promotes file keeping, surveillance and suppression mechanisms against people aiming at incriminating any idea and action against imperialism. According to the “European Agreement for Immigration” the suppression against immigrants and refugees increases. The resolutions of E.E. and the Parliammentary Assembly of OSCE (Organization for Security and Co- operation in Europe), strengthens anti-communism equalizing communism and fascism, erasing the history of 2nd  World War, as well as concealing the important contribution of Soviet Union on the Antifascist Victory of people.

International Law, the Constitutional Map and the Principles of United Nations Organization, democratic rights and freedoms are trampled upon, violated, and are gradually replaced by the principles of the U.S.A and their willing allies, in some cases of N.A.T.O, in some case of E.E., in some case of G8.

Capitalist crisis gives birth to poverty and unemployment. Under these cruel conditions for peoples public aggression and the need for resistance increase. There is need for the strengthening of peoples struggle and practical solidarity towards peoples who fight, those under occupation and those at the target of imperialism interventions (Afganistan, Iraq, Libanon, Palestine, Cuba, Venezuela, Ondura, Syria, Serbia, N. Korea e.t.c.)


The class-struggle oriented working movement demands and fights for :

1. The prohibition of all nuclear, chemical, biological weapons and means of massive destruction, first of all among the great imperialist powers.

2. No establishment of the so-called “Anti-Missile Shield” program in Europe that is promoted by the U.S.A in Europe (Poland, Chechia etc).

3. The abolition of all foreign military bases as well as the dispersing of NATO.

4. The protection and essential support of the immigrants and refugees.   



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