To the working class of the countries of Europe
Dear colleagues, workers of Europe,
We express our solidarity with the fierce and difficult struggles you conduct in your countries. You must know that every mobilization and struggle you conduct, gives us new impetus and courage to continue more decisively our struggle. The struggle of PAME composes an integral part of your struggle.
We are at a very crucial crossroad. The generalized and global nature of the capitalistic crisis, the developments in Greece and within all the countries of Europe require the slogan “Proletarians of the world unit”! “No subjugation, no indulgence in capitalism” to be heard louder than ever .
Being taught by our own experience and the current reality, we must reject the lies of the plutocracy and of their staffs that the crisis was created due to the workers’ rights or due to the bad management. The crisis is a crisis of capitalism and was created by the bleeding of the workforce, the immense profits of the big capital and their accumulation. Capitalism is a system which is rotten and outdated. It can not be corrected. As long as capitalism exists, it will always bring only unemployment, hunger, war, brutal exploitation and oppression to the working class and the popular strata.
The situation we are experiencing now in Greece is neither special case, nor an exception. We are facing a generalized attack that turns our lives and working conditions in the last century. It does not only concern the working class of Greece. This storm of antipopular measures is promoted unified everywhere by E.U., IMF, ECB, by liberal and social democratic governments, by their big coalitions, and by central-right or by central-left variants of them. Such governments serving the modern needs of the capital have usually the support of the nationalists and the greens.
Through the experience of the working class, of the popular strata the role of E.U. as a “wolf-alliance” and oppressor of the working class and the peoples is revealed. The myths that E.U. is supposedly “a union of solidarity and a sheltered harbour for the peoples” as the plutocracy and its supporters claim are demolished. The capitalist crisis in the eurozone will further deepen. E.U. will become more and more reactionary and the workers will live in conditions of huge poverty and degradation if they will not rise up. The fierce competitions between them, their divisions are not for the working popular interests. On the contrary, the governments in the framework of E.U. compete for the division of the plunder obtained through the smashing of the working popular rights. They have commonly the same agreed target: to make labour force (wages, salaries, health benefits, pensions etc.) even cheaper in order for the profits of the big capital to be further increased.
Life itself, experience itself clearly proves that in the framework of E.U., in the framework of the power of monopolies, there is no solution in favour of the people. The overthrow of the monopolies’ power is required. A solution in favour of the people can not exist without their overthrow!
Huge responsibilities for the aggravation of the life of the working class in Europe, for the situation we are experiencing today, have also the leaderships of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) who declare the class cooperation, support the line of competitiveness, the subjugation to the employers, who spread illusions and disorientate the workers’ struggle. The several mobilizations like these of indignants (movement of the squares) are not a solution, but they rather defuse the militant spirit of the people and are hostile to the class-oriented organization; these mobilizations try to encircle the indignation of the popular forces into a struggle without perspective.
Against the antilabour alliance of capital, the awakening of the working popular forces is imperative today; the immediate organization of their struggle in every workplace, every sector, every working popular neighbourhood is necessary; the coordination at a national and international level is needed in more elevated forms of struggle; the release of the working class from the supporters of capital is also imperative.
We addressed a call from the Acropolis to the working class of Europe that the peoples have the power and that they must become organized today and counterattack.
We strongly believe in the slogan “no gear turns without you – worker you can make it without the bosses”. This is the slogan that gives strength and courage to the workers of the Greek Steel Industry who are on strike for more than one month. This slogan applies for every country. We call you to coordinate our steps.
The response of the working class today can not be limited only to defensive struggles. Organization, popular counterattack, struggle that overthrows the power of monopolies is necessary. We escalate our struggle for the release from E.U., for unilateral cancellation of the debt, for the socialization of the centralized means of production and the people at the helm of power.
We are positive that the really huge class-oriented struggles, that the most beautiful days are yet to come!
Long Live the class-oriented proletarian solidarity
Athens December 1st 2011