All together in the strike on December 15 and in the demonstration of PAME.

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις


Working women and men, Young women and men, unemployed and immigrants

All together in the strike on December 15 and in the demonstration of PAME.

To empty all the working places in private and public sector. All together in the struggle. To stop the brutal attack of the government, employers, E.U., having PAME as the head. To counterattack. Together with the self-employed and the small to medium-skilled farmers to build our coalition.

All together in the demonstration with PAME at Omonoia sq., at 11a.m.

All together in the stoppage of work

on November 25 from 12 until 3p.m.

We raise our voice and strengthen our message.


Dear fellow workers,

The capitalist crisis deepens in our country, in Europe, in the whole capitalist world. The capital and governments, the bourgeois parties attempt to impose, by fire and sword, the only path they have to exit the crisis for their own interest. Their own one-way road. Protection of the interests of the big capital, bankers, the monopolistic groups. They bankrupt people to save the plutocracy. They abolish all the workers’ rights and conquests. They have led us to mass unemployment and poverty.

The new state budget of the government, the Troika and the Memorandum reduces wages, pensions and benefits, leads many more hundreds of thousands of workers, especially young people to new mass dismissals and unemployment. It increases the taxation and prices of the consumable products, it imposes additional fines for the degraded and unacceptable services of education, health, welfare; it offers state enterprises, the land, beaches, forests to the big capital, it increases tax exemptions, privileges and profits of the big capital. The attack against the Public Utilities Enterprises, against the Public sector and the broader public sector concerns the whole working class.

The government lies when it says that new measures will not be taken. It lies when it says that people approve its policy. It lies when it says that the sacrifices are about to end. The Memoranda and antipopular measures will not end as long as the capital remains untouched and the people’s resistance doesn’t strengthen.

The sacrifices neither will end, nor will they have a good result for the people. We reject the long-term Memorandum that the government, E.U. and IMF bring. To their blackmailing dilemmas we answer: The plutocracy to bankrupt and not the people.

No sacrifice for the plutocracy. We demand the securing of our rights.

Work, education, health for all, the plutocracy must pay the crisis. Their increased profitability, the huge state funding and tax exemptions created the state debt. They must pay, not the people.

To the government and the Troika we answer: hands off the Social Security funds, pensions and hospitals. The government must now pay the huge debts that the state owes to the funds and organizations. The plutocracy must pay.

Hands off the Collective Agreements. We reject the starvation wages, the flexible forms of employment, the part-time and uninsured job. We do not tolerate, we do not consent to a life for our children and us with poverty and unemployment, without rights, for the profits of monopolies.

We do not accept that our children and we will live without modern, public, free Health and Welfare for all. We do not accept to live with schools and universities that are under the service of monopolies and market.

We have to reject the new increases in VAT, heating oil, electricity. To stop the extra taxation on the self-employed (peraiosis) and on those workers who appear to be contractors.

The big capitalists must pay, their privileges must be abolished, their profits must be taxed with 45%; the huge military expenditures for NATO purposes, which have nothing to do with national defense, must be stopped.

We reject the long-term Memorandum, the one-way road of the monopolies, E.U. and their parties. Development for the people, not for the plutocracy.

We send a militant message to the workers and peoples of Europe, a message of solidarity and counterattack. E.U., the European monopolies, capitalism is our common enemy. They do not change.

For us patriotism has to do with the rights of the people and not with the interests of capitalism. The parties of plutocracy not only sacrifice the popular rights for their interests. They also promote dangerous agreements concerning the involvement of our country to imperialist designs. Popular alliance to prevent being under the umbrella of NATO, to prevent the co-management of the Aegean.

However the more they realize that blackmailing, dilemmas, lies and disorientation affect less and less people, as the recent elections have shown, the more their anxiety is increased.

The more they find out that their crutches in the trade union movement, the employers’ and governmental trade unionism, especially GSEE (for the private sector) and ADEDY (for the public sector), can not defuse the struggles and the popular anger, and serve as a safe bag for their system, the more their anxiety is increased.

Working men and women, young men and women,

Let’s turn their anxiety into terror and panic, by organizing the workers at every working place, in the class-oriented trade unions and struggle committees at every neighborhood by:

  • Turning our back against their crutches in the trade union movement, changing the correlations everywhere and especially in the trade unions. At every factory, sector, neighborhood the working class must unite its forces in a unified and coordinated struggle against monopolies, E.U. and their parties. The working class must have trust in its forces. This is the only line of unity and struggle. This is the line of PAME. Place your trust on PAME.

  • Turning our back against PASOK (socialdemocrats) and N.D. (conservatives), the supporters of the E.U. as a whole.

  • Strengthening the coordination and the common action of workers, self-employed small and medium skilled tradesmen, the poor farmers, youth and women, constructing the popular alliance against capital, we can overthrow the antipopular policies, we can assert significant conquests. We can pave the way for a better life for our children and ourselves.

Working men and women, young men and women,

Unified, mass, decisive struggle, class-oriented struggle to bankrupt the plutocracy; monopolies and multinationals must pay their own crisis. This is our answer, our path.






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