The various “independent” and “objective” international organizations, which support that they stand above interests and class, organizations like the UN, the ILO and others, have proved, again and again their real role as supporters to the one, or the other imperialist group.
The Nobel peace prize being awarded to the Imperialist European Union is awarding the war that the European and international capital, has declared against the achievements and the rights of millions of workers in Europe, the destruction of states and the butchering of whole people. The only peace they recognize, the “labour peace” is the peace between the slave and his master
Because, obviously, the committee that awarded the Nobel Peace prize to the EU did not have all the necessary information, we remind them a few of the “achievements” of the EU:
The killing of thousand of workers, every year, for the profits of the monopolies, 4,898 dead workers in the EU-27 (Eurostat 2011)
Thousands of lay offs, aiming to the reduction of the price of the labour force, which lead to extreme poverty and slow death 25.4 millions of unemployed (Eurostat 8/2012)
The curb of democratic rights and anticommunism, by calling workers’ strikes illegal, criminalizing the struggles of the peoples, the banning of communist and workers’ parties, the deprivation of civil rights of thousands of citizens, the banning of the red star and other workers’ symbols
The support of the embargo against Cuba and of the Israeli occupation of Palestine
The wars in: Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Libya, as only a few of the 23 imperialist interventions of the EU in 3 continents, during the last decade, when at the same time they sharpen their teeth against Syria.
The Executive Secretariat