5β, Ag. Filotheis str., 105 56 Athens, GREECE, Τel. +30210 3305 219,+30210 3301842,+30210 3301847
Fax +30210 3802 864, E-mail :
PASEVE (Panhellenic Antitrust Coalition of Tradesmen – Craftsmen)
2 Patousa str., Athens, Tel.:+30210.3809327
E-mail: web: http://www.pasevegr/
PASY (All Farmers Militant Coalition)
MAS (Students’ Militant Front)
E-mail: web:
OGE (Federation of Women in Greece)
120 Ippokratous str. – 11472 Athens, Tel.- Fax: +30210.3629460
E-mail: web:
Working men and women,
Self-employed people, tradesmen, pensioners, unemployed men and women
At the same time that unemployment crushes us, taxes and increased prices suffocate us through the continuous increase in the VAT, through the increases in fuels, in bills, at the same time they reduce our wages, pensions, medications, they try to abolish the collective agreements, they further commercialize Education and Health etc. the government, the parties of the plutocracy and E.U. bring a new tax-storm.
The government imposes taxes on our poverty and desperation, through the new fines.
It is time to respond, to use our real strength. It is time to leave behind fatalism, fear, ineffective indignation. Nobody can effectively resist them if he/she is alone. But if we join our forces and organize ourselves, we can repel them.
You must make the decisive step now.
On Saturday September 10 we also demonstrate in Athens
at 11a.m. at Syntagma Sq.
To express:
Our opposition to the new tax-robbery in order for the tax-exemptions of the plutocracy to be increased.
Our decision to resist the new fines through our organized struggle. Down with the taxes and the robbery of our lives.
The day the prime minister announces the escalation of the attack at the expense of our lives, we will organize our counterattack with the popular alliance to repel and overthrow this attack.
We must respond to the new destructive measures through new forms of organization and struggle.
While thousands of popular households are in despair, while the small-scale tradesmen and craftsmen can not afford to pay either taxes, or the bills, the government, the parties of the plutocracy and E.U. send us:
The extra contribution that they provocatively call “solidarity contribution”. The workers and the self-employed people, whose income reaches the level of poverty of 1,000 euros per month net wage, have to pay 140 euros! If their income is 1,500 euros per month, they have to pay 420 euros!
The additional tax through the reduction of the tax-free limit from 12,000 euros to 8,000 euros annually, with retrospective effect from 1/1/2011, which means that the people whose income is 857 euros per month, will be forced to pay income-tax of 400 euros!
The head-fine, as a “trade-tax” to all self-employed, small-scale tradesmen and craftsmen. For 2011 it is 300 euros for all. From 2012 it will be 500 euros for these who are located in Athens and Thessaloniki and 400 euros for the rest of them.
They claim that these taxes are in order for the government to pay wages and pensions. They lie. They reduce wages and pensions. They want to increase the tax-exemptions of the big-businesses.
The organized popular refusal to pay the fines becomes a duty and an act of solidarity for all.
It is time for the massive opposition and resistance to be organized in every possible way with the initiative of the labor unions, of the struggle committees of the self-employed, of the popular committees in neighbourhoods, in an organized- massive way with our trade unions to return massively the payment orders, demanding their abolition. Solidarity with the unemployed people and their families, with the small-scale tradesmen who can not afford to pay their bills, loans and taxes must be organized.
The organized opposition and resistance to fines, blackmails, terrorism is an act that marks the popular decision: No more sacrifices for the profits and the crisis of the plutocracy.
The situation we live is not temporary. Even worse things are ahead of us. The dilemma is: Are we going to accept for our children and for ourselves to live in poverty, continuous insecurity, unemployment in order for the profits and the competitiveness of the big businesses to be strengthened?
The government and the parties of the system will not stop, if we do not stop them.
We can stop them! With your participation in the struggle and the action, with the strengthening of the popular social alliance and of the counterattack. The big capital must pay now. The parties which served them and still serve them must pay.
Only the common labour popular struggle within the factories, the workplaces, the popular neighbourhoods which aims at radical changes for development in favour of the people and not of the monopolies, which aims at the release of E.U., can be effective today.