This is the kind of struggle that PAME calls you

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις


PAME expresses its solidarity with the workers and peoples of Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Yemen and everywhere, where they massively, militantly rise up and try to break the chains of poverty, unemployment, degradation, violence and authoritarianism.

Violence, brutal repression, disorientation and any form of employers’ and governmental manipulation can only temporarily block the progress of the peoples in the way of acquisition of the real popular power.

We call upon the workers of our country to express their support and solidarity with the peoples of these countries. The more the attacks imperialism faces in every country, the better for all the peoples of the world.




AT OMONOIA sq. at 11a.m.

Dear working men and women, unemployed people, young men and women,

Join us in the organization and counterattack of our class, you, who have never taken part in a strike until now. You should do it now, to show that we will not tolerate and we disapprove everything that happened at our expense, that we do not legitimize the brutal anti-labor policy, that we do not bend our knees and we strengthen our resistance against the new measures that are prepared. You should also contribute, so that the strike will terrorize them. We should show our strength to the government, big employers, E.U. IMF. People who are afraid should get courage.



The working class is at war and must reciprocate. Through this strike and the next struggles the predators of the social wealth that we produce can and must be defeated, i.e. the industrialists, bankers, ship-owners, with their parties and supporters in the trade union movement, which serve them.

We have the power to build an impenetrable wall, to counterattack the worse measures that are to come, provided that we will organize our forces in every workplace, in every sector. We can reverse the anti-labor measures and policies, having PAME at the head and pave the way for another policy, another path of development that will serve the needs of the people.

No consensus, no subjugation.

Insubordination and disobedience to the anti-labor, antipopular storm.

United struggle everywhere. Organization, solidarity.


This is the only way we can confront the terrorism and brutality of the capital, government and the European Union.

The attempt to bleed people with new, worse measures will unabated continue. The blackmails against workers are not going to stop. We do not accept to pay their crisis, deficits and debts. Those who created them should pay. The plutocracy and its parties, PASOK (social democrats) and N.D. (conservatives).

You should not be deceived by their lies that you will benefit from the lengthening of the debt, the renegotiation or the bonds. The bankers, capitalists will again benefit from these. You will pay again even more expensive.


With the law on business contracts they want to drastically reduce wages throughout the private sector. They want to abolish the sectoral Collective Agreements and impose individual contracts. They want us to work with flexible forms of employment, without having specific working hours and to abolish the Sunday as a day-off.


Hands off the Labor Collective Agreements. No negotiation for reductions in wages and benefits! Increases in wages now, which will meet popular needs.

The attack against the social security continues. The pensions are further reduced. The subsidiary pensions will be at least 20% reduced. Half of the pensions of disabled people are cut. The 13th and 14th pensions are permanently abolished.

Half of the people who are in the list of the Heavy and Unwholesome Jobs are thrown out of this list. By this way, the age of retirement is increased by 5-7 years. The pensions will be reduced by at least 20%. The employers will benefit.

All the laws which attack social security rights should be abolished now. 1,120 euros lower pension. 60 years old the limit for retirement age for men and 55 for women.

The unemployed people are over one million. It is absolutely sure that their number will be dramatically increased. The government plans to further reduce the unemployment benefit. The vast majority of the unemployed do not have health care. It is enough! Substantial increases in the unemployment benefit now, health care for all without terms and conditions.

The privatizations of the Greek Railway Organization, the urban and intercity transport bring new dramatic increases in the tickets. Many routes of the mass transportation means are abolished; the reduced and “free” tickets for specific categories of people or for vulnerable groups are also repealed.

The new bill on Health gives the final blow to the free and social character of healthcare, for the benefit of the entrepreneurs of Health. The situation will be dramatic for the unemployed and underpaid people, for the pensioners, disabled people, for the working-popular families.

The government, the big-tradesmen try to release the working hours and to abolish the Sunday as day-off, turning the commerce workers into slaves, since the workplaces become medieval galleys, because they will work whenever the big employers want and for as many hours as they would like.

This measure will operate as a pilot for all the sectors. The working hours will become flexible according to the capitalists’ needs.

This measure will also become one more weapon in the hands of monopolies to destroy the small businesses in the sector.

We demand no worker and employee to be uninsured. No worker and employee should be paid under the collective agreements and lose the other provisions that they have.

The families of the unemployed people should have all the necessities to live. Everyone must be organized in the class-oriented trade unions.

Dear working men and women, unemployed people,

You should not waste any more time

A strong organization and a unified front against monopolies, their governments, the governmental and employers’ trade unionism are needed so that the working class and the other popular strata of our country will have effective defence and ensure a victorious project of counterattack. PAME struggles for a movement like this. The majorities of the GSEE and ADEDY (the governmental and employers’ trade unionism in private and public sector) neither want, nor can serve this struggle. They are in the opposite side. They were and they are still committed to PASOK (social democrats) and N.D. (conservatives). They are an organized bureaucracy which has got strong ties with the employers and the state. They express the labor aristocracy which has got the interest and the goal to maintain the miserable situation that there is within our trade union movement.

The decision for a strike on February 23 was taken under the pressure by the forces of PAME. The majorities of the GSEE and ADEDY (the governmental and employers’ trade unionism in private and public sector) neither want, nor are going to struggle for its success. The result will be judged by the rally that the Federations, Trade Unions, First Degree associations and the other organizations will achieve and the struggle that they will give in every workplace.

We struggle decisively and organized, with the trade unions that are against the employers and the government.

We should take in our hands the responsibility of the organization and the escalation of the struggle now. We must create strike committees everywhere, in every workplace.

The Strike on February 23

should become a big step forward

We can impose our right. We can not go along with the forces that bargain what we will lose. The future of our children and our own can not be determined by the willingness of our exploiters. You should all abandon the parties of plutocracy PASOK (social democrats) and N.D. (conservatives) and their satellites now.

We must unite our forces firmly so that the wealth that we produce to be acquired by the working class, all the workers.

No compromise, no tolerance for the anti-labor policies. No subjugation to the one-way road of the brutality.

Together with All Workers Militant Front (PAME), Panhellenic Antitrust Coalition of Tradesmen – Craftsmen (PASEVE), All Farmers Militant Coalition (PASY), Students’ Front of Struggle (MAS), Federation of Women in Greece (OGE) to pave the way for a society free from monopolies, where the means of production will be popular property. We are the force that will sweep the governments and their interests and will impose our own popular power. Only by this way the full-time and stable job will be ensured for everyone, the modern popular needs will be satisfied without bosses and exploitation.

No gear turns without us.

This is the kind of struggle that PAME calls you




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