May 1st 2010
Working men and women, youth, pensioners, unemployed people, dear colleagues economic immigrants,
All Workers Militant Front invites you to participate in this year’s May Day events to honour the struggles and sacrifices of our class. These events must be an important step for the escalation of our struggles against the anti -labour thunderstorm so that the working class movement will be reorganized and achieve reversals for its favor.
Today an unprecedented attack is being launched against our rights and conquests that had been gained through long, tough and bloody struggles. The future for the next generations is prescribed bleak, without rights, being victims of the capital to increase their profits.
The social character of the social security is destroyed, pensions are dramatically reduced, the age of retirement is increased, medical benefits are crushed.
The Collective Agreements are attempted to be abolished, flexible forms of employment are extended and consolidated.
The new taxes policy is in progress, either through the indirect or the direct taxes at the expense of the working – popular strata.
The already low wages of the families and popular strata is further reduced because the cost of living is increased, taxes are increased, wages in the public sector are directly reduced and in private sector have zero increase.
Health is being further commercialized, which means that the working – popular family will suffer a major blow and will be forced to spend more and more money for the needs in welfare, medicines, prevention and treatment.
Unemployment has taken explosive dimensions and the youth is the big victims. The problem of unemployment does not only concern the unemployed people who suffer the painful consequences, but it also affects those who have a job, since the unemployment is a powerful weapon for the employers to reduce the demands of the working class.
The school will operate as a company and parents will be forced to pay even more expensive the educational needs. The education becomes even more class with the new laws. The right in education for the children of the working class is removed and many teachers will be dismissed.
Dear colleagues,
An anti-popular, anti-labour bloc of forces which consists of government, capital, E.U., parties of plutocracy has being formed against you. These forces united call you to sacrifice all your remained rights. They are lying when they say that the measures are temporary. They are lying when they say that these measures are necessary for the good of the country. They are lying when they say that it is patriotic duty to support this policy, because it aims to increase the monopolies’ profits. They deceive us when they say that there is no money, since the plutocracy records continuous increase in its profits by deepening the exploitation of the working class.
Working men and women, young people,
The measures have been designed a long time ago by the capital, E.U. and their parties. The aim of the measures is the working class to offer its forces even cheaper so that the funds of the big business groups and generally the big employers to be multiplied with new super-profits. Measures of this nature are applied to all E.U. countries, whether they have small or large financial deficit. They utilize the numbness the wide popular masses have from the financial terrorism which has been launched by the government, the state mass media and the various over cost financial “analysts”.
The aim of these measures is to overcome the crisis for the benefit of plutocracy and to create favorable conditions for the big companies to maximize their profitability in the period of development.
It is in the working class hands to brake and reverse this policy. The decisive confrontation against monopolies and imperialism is the term and precondition for that.
The wide rally of the working class with the platform of demands of PAME within the trade union movement is needed in order to respond to the attack the working class faces against its rights. The overthrow of this anti-popular policy should be the target and the decisive enrollment of young people in the class oriented trade union movement can help to this end.
You should not tolerate anymore to condemn you to permanent poverty, degradation and unemployment. Young men and women should not tolerate a far worse future compared to the decades ’70 – ’80 – ’90. The path of development that we experience today has bankrupted. There in no room for some limited improvements. Any possibility of concessions that had been in the past, is being suffocating limited. The motivation of the capitalist development is only the profit of plutocracy, which is incompatible with the welfare of the working class.
Today there are all the necessary material prerequisites for permanent – stable job, reduced working time, exclusive public – free services of health, education, public accommodation, culture, sports, more leisure time, for wages and pensions that will meet the today’s needs. The permanent satisfaction of the above requires changing the objective of the production. A society that we will be in charge for the means of production is demanded, a society that will have as its base the central planning to ensure people’s welfare. It will be the other path of development, where we will all work and will have rights and the only purpose will be to put the production entirely at the service of our needs. A society without capitalists, without exploitation of man by man.
We are the class that produces the wealth, creates the conditions for scientific progress. Without our physical and mental power, everything that moves will stop moving. It is time this power to be put at the service of the needs of the working, popular family. The basic and centralized means of production must be socialized in order to achieve this goal. We must become the bosses of the produced wealth.
Take a stand of struggle with the line of PAME against monopolies, together with the small skilled tradesmen, the small-medium skilled farmers.
Any pending, any compliance gives to capital and those who serve them more space to prepare the next attack against your rights. Do not wait anymore. The sacrifices that the class oriented struggle requires are many times less than the sacrifices required by the plutocracy and will become even less if the struggles will become more massive, more militant and will question the power of the capital.
Abandon the subjugated governmental – employers’ trade union majorities in the private and public sector. Those who have done everything they could to undermine the class oriented struggles, to implement the policies that serve monopolies without popular reactions, to defuse the popular dissatisfaction and turn it into painless direction for the power of capital.
Massively abandon the parties of neoliberals and socialdemocrats (N.D. and PASOK), the parties of plutocracy. Follow the line of the All Workers Militant Front for new mass struggles. Struggles to counterattack the capital’s blow in the working class rights. Struggles that will open the path for another society.
We do not start from zero point. There is experience. Many struggles have been developed during the last period that shaped a strong pioneer who is ready for militant class-oriented mobilizations. PAME continuously strengthen its relations with broad popular masses. It has gained a huge prestige and has strengthened its role as a trade union pole against capital in the consciousness of workers and popular strata. The more the working, popular forces put their body and soul in the service of the class-oriented struggle without delay, the sooner the root of the tree of this path of development will be cut, which is the cause of the sufferings that trouble us.
All together on the streets, all together in the struggle! No sacrifice for the plutocracy!
Law is the right of the worker!
Let’s all participate in the demonstration of PAME on May 1, at 11a.m. in front of the PARLIAMENT