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Dear colleagues,

The management of the multinational mobile – phone – company Wind in Greece dismissed recently two members of the executive committees of the trade union of Telecommunication and informatics. Trying to maintain and increase the company’s profits, Wind refuses a salary increase on the basis of the collective agreement.

Its intention is to lower “cost” by outsourcing a part of the clients` services to another company.

Wind hires employees temporarily and dismisses them when their contract expires, or even earlier.

PAME supports the struggle of the trade union, fights and demands:

  • The immediate withdrawal of the dismissals

  • Permanent and stable work for all, 7hours/day, 5 days/week, 35 hours/week

  • No to the criminalization of the trade union struggles.

The Trade union organizes it` s struggle supported not only by other trade unions in the same sector but also by trade unions, members of PAME.

PAME asks for your support and solidarity to the struggle of the employees of Wind.

International Relations Department


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