One is the answer to the endless class atrocity: Organization and struggle for its overthrow

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One is the answer to the endless class atrocity:

Organization and struggle for its overthrow

Dramatic reductions in wages and hundreds of thousands of dismissals in the private and public sector take place these days. The unemployed people are approximately one million. Thousands of self-employed people and poor farmers are destroyed and are pushed to unemployment.

  • All the labour rights are abolished, thousands of workers are unpaid.

  • An unprecedented taxation attack and extra contributions are imposed to workers, unemployed people, small-scale farmers, to the popular strata, whereas new tax exceptions are offered to the big businesses.

  • Many occupations are declassified from the heavy and unwholesome jobs, pensions are shrunk and the supplementary pensions are abolished.

  • The public Health – Education is shrunk and is delivered to business interests.

  • The remaining public property (ports, water supply, energy, transport) is privatized.

  • New repression measures are applied against the labour and popular struggles.


All these are applied in order for the plutocracy to overcome the crisis that they themselves have created through their huge profits. All these are applied in order for the workers and the popular strata to pay again.

We are called to pay through our poverty a debt that we have not created ourselves, but it was created by the subsidies, the tax-exceptions and the loans of the big businesses.

This debt does not belong to the people. The people must not pay this debt and condemn its children to unemployment, poverty and migration. The crisis is caused because the produced wealth and the means of production are accumulated in few hands. Because the monopolies have grown to gigantic dimensions in all the sectors. The crisis will continue as long as the monopolies will dominate in the economic and political life.

The policy of the social barbarism has not an expiration limit, it will not stop. It will escalate; it will be even more atrocious. Their main goal is to make the labour force even cheaper, to provide unpaid job to the employers. They want to overcome their crisis, to ensure a new period of profits and competitiveness from which the workers HAVE NOTHING TO WIN, only new burdens.

Workers, Unemployed people, young men and women,

You must not believe, you must not accept whatever PASOK (social democrats), N.D. (conservatives), LAOS (nationalists) the parties in favour of E.U., say. You must not believe them when they say that they struggle to save the people. They are identified with the interests of the plutocracy.

Do not trust them. Reject them.

Capitalism has rotted. It has got many difficulties to manage the crisis. It will destroy more productive forces and first of all the labour force. The only things that it can produce are unemployment, poverty, new increasingly worse crises. Capitalism will destroy everything in order to be saved; it leads history many decades back.

Whoever wants to implement this policy (PASOK – social democrats, European Union, Troika), whoever agrees with the substance of this policy but suggests a more effective implementation (N.D. – conservatives, LAOS – nationalists, liberal – opportunist parties and parties which support E.U.), whoever wants to save this system and to make it supposedly “pro-people” (the opportunists of SYN/ SYRIZA, and other “left-wing” criers of the system) have got huge responsibilities for the dead ends they create. They have voted this policy (Maastricht etc.), they support the European Union, its common economic governance with its Euro-bonds, the new loans for the plutocracy that will be paid again by the people. The system can not be corrected, it can not become humane. There cannot be at the same time profits for the monopolies and good life for the workers.

Their trade union forces in the labour and the other movements together participated in the “social dialogues”; they signed retreats without an end.

GSEE – ADEDY (the governmental and employer-led trade unionism in the private and public sector), trade union centres and federations which are led by the governmental and employers’ trade unionism do not simply make mistakes. They are the branches of the government and of the system within the workers.

They are dangerous for the workers. THEY MUST BE ISOLATED.

There is a way out – There is a solution for the workers and the people.

Dear workers

You are the producers of the wealth. You are the power. No gear turns without you.


The up-to-now development and the profits of monopolies have brought and will bring poverty and crises.

There must and can be a development in favour of the people based on their needs.

  • Through the release from the European Union. The people must not pay the debt.

  • Through the socialization of the major means of production.

  • With national planning based on the capabilities of the country, the popular needs.

  • Full-time and permanent work must be ensured for all, with humane wages and pensions, with rights. With free Health and Education for all, without any business activity.

The parties which supported and support the European Union and the humane face of capitalism do not want and can not give a solution in favour of the people. YOU MUST ABANDON THEM. YOU MUST CONDEMN THEM.

ONLY if the power is in the workers’ hands, can ensure the prerequisites for popular economy.

A power which will be based on a unified class-oriented front of workers, on their social alliance with the self-employed people of the city, with the poor farmers, with the women and the youth of the popular strata. The common action of PAME, with PASEVE of the craftsmen – tradesmen, with PASY of the farmers, with OGE of women, with MAS of the students, give the first results of the alliance.

Dear workers,


Fear and tolerance are not beneficial for us; they lead us to an even worse situation.

Everyone has got a personal responsibility for himself/herself, for his/her family, for his/her children now.

  • You must raise your stature; you must show your power. You can overthrow them. No more sacrifices to save the profits of the plutocracy.

  • You must give strength and effectiveness to your indignation. The general protest and indignation are not sufficient.

  • You must organize your struggle, first of all in the workplaces, where the exploitation and the current policy originate. For the protection against dismissals, for the collective agreements which are about to be abolished, with the signature of GSEE. You must strengthen the class-oriented trade unions and PAME which warned you for all the things taking place today and they are at your side.

  • You must organize your action in your neighbourhoods, all together workers and unemployed people. The popular family must not bankrupt further more. In every workplace, in every neighbourhood we must defend everyone who is at risk of degradation.

  • You should isolate – condemn the parties of the European Union and of the capitalist system and their trade union forces.

  • You can be supported by PAME and support PAME and the alliance with the self-employed people, the poor farmers, the youth, the women. To strengthen the resistance. There can not be a life with rights for the workers and the popular strata without the alliance, without hard struggle and a plan to overthrow the antipopular policy. The working class, the workers, the people who produce all the wealth must take their responsibility now, in a unified front. They must enter the struggle in a more organized way, not only to defend their lives, but also to be permanently released from the burdens that the rotten, parasitic, barbaric and deep reactionary capitalist system loads them every day.

The working class, the popular strata must overthrow not only the antipopular policies, but also the power of their exploiters.

PAME is the only credible, capable, proven, and experienced, the only force which has got a plan and a will to lead this struggle.

To pave the way for another development with an economy in favour of the people, with the political power in the people’s hands.






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