The government, the capital and the E.U. paved the way for the overall abolition of the heavy and unwholesome jobs. They use the capitalist crisis to accelerate the implementation of the antilabor measures that they have planned many years ago.
The institution of the heavy and unwholesome jobs is the minimum safety contribution for the reduction of the effects of occupational risks and the early damages of workers’ health in several sectors.
The implementation of the new antilabor plans which attack the social security system and the declassification of specialties, sectors and occupations from the lists of the heavy and unwholesome jobs such as (workers in food sector and tourism, in glass and leather industries and in other sectors) means:
Increase of the retirement age by at least 5 years. Abolition of benefits for the unwholesome jobs while the employers will have profit since they will pay reduced social security contributions. The workers that will remain in the regulation of the heavy and unwholesome jobs due to their age will be dismissed and will be replaced by workers of the same sector and specialty who have been excluded from the regulation.
The majority of the GSEE (governmental and employer-led trade unionism) helps the government to justify supposedly in a scientific way the massacre and the declassification of tens of professions from the heavy and unwholesome list.
PAME calls the workers to struggle against the attempt to abolish the institution of the heavy and unwholesome jobs. To demand the enlargement of the list where is necessary, to struggle for a pension at 55 years for men -50 years for women who work in heavy and unwholesome jobs, and for 60 years – 55 years respectively for all the workers, to assert reduced working time, effective measures for the protection of health in workplaces.
PAME calls all the workers to struggle together with the trade unions which have made this issue their own case. To struggle together with the forces of PAME to break the terrorism in workplaces and to build an impenetrable wall in order to prevent the atrocity that they want to impose. Discussions with all the workers must be opened in every workplace and we must collectively organize the struggle, to give response without any delay, hesitation and frustration. We can stop them.
This struggle does not only concern one industry. This struggle concerns the whole working class.
The workers in food supplies and tourism have already taken decision to strike on August 23.
The Executive Secretariat