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Working women and men, unemployed people, young women and men,
 Where will eventually this situation with the capitalist crisis and the brutal war at the expense of the peoples in Greece and in Europe get at?
  Is there a way out; is there development in favor of the workers?
 Which forces and under what preconditions can impose this development?
 Which movement and what kind of struggles can serve such a pro-people perspective?
We want to talk to you about all these briefly.
We would like to start a conversation with you, worker by worker, within all the work places, neighbourhoods, at the Administrative Boards, at the General Meetings of the trade unions, everywhere!

The 48-hour strike was successful
 Thousands of people throughout Greece went out on the streets. The working class, the popular strata realize even more clearly that they have paid a very heavy load for the capitalist development, the profitability of the capital all these years.
Now they are paying even more expensively for the capital crisis!
 More and more workers realize that there is no pro-people perspective in the framework of capitalist development, within E.U.
 Profits and popular prosperity, monopolies and popular rights can not coexist! Either they will win, or we will.
 Life itself, therefore, brings the necessity to struggle for another path of development without monopolies, for a development which will have at its center the satisfaction of the popular needs.
 The unprecedented success of the strike, the popular mobilization and the crowded demonstrations of PAME shows that we have the power to impose such a solution, such a pro-people perspective! We have tested and effective weapons in our hands, weapons that can lead us to VICTORY!

We have the power! No gear turns without us!
• Organization in work places. No worker must be out of the trade unions. We must all be united in the work place and the sector.
• Trade unions and administrations that are tested, not compromised, not subjugated to governments and employers.
• Alliance of workers, farmers, self-employed people, women, youth. All together!
• Here lies the power!
• Conflict with bankers, industrialists, ship-owners, large-scale tradesmen, E.U. and its parties. Conflict with all these who steal the life from our children and from us. 
• A movement which is class-oriented, organized, disciplined, determined to reach the end.
Until the people have the power.
This is the message of the 48-hour Strike. Here lies the solution and this is the best recipe for VICTORY.
 Struggle now in order for the brutal measures not to be applied in practice.
 Struggle now in order for the power of monopolies to be overthrown.

Working women and men,
 The strike on June 28 and 29 came as a product of escalation of the struggle; it came at the right time. The factories were emptied, the banks were closed, the ships did not move. 
 The participation percentages of the strike were at high levels in many areas and sectors.
 This strike hit the employers and the entire system exactly where they hurt.
 That is why the strike is the most effective weapon in the hands of the working class.
 No “square movement” can replace the power of the strike, the power of the organized labor and popular movement.
 Thousands of workers marched under the slogan “law is the right of the worker”, they gave the struggle within work places, factories, in the heart of the class-oriented struggle, where the correlation of forces are judged for the labor movement.
 In many work places the workers went on strike, defying the threat of dismissal, smashing the employers’ terrorism. Literally, this struggle had strong characteristics of heroism and gallantry.
 However, there are many factories, big stores, hotels, work places in public and private sector where the workers did not make the step to strike. They did not manage to organize the Strike, to smash the employers’ terrorism, to overcome the subjugated leaderships, even to be convinced for the necessity and the effectiveness of the struggle. 
 So, we call upon you, that you did not find the strength to strike, that you say that “you are right, but I can not”, “I went on strike the previous times, but the measures were applied” and we would like to tell you:
You must not wait from anyone to save you.
 The working class will get up by its own hands. You must not give up; you must stand up and fight!
 Either way, only through organization and struggle we will win. There is not another way!
 In the Strike and the demonstrations that took place in 72 cities of Greece workers, unemployed people, farmers, small-scale tradesmen, women, young people marched together “all for one and one for all”. 
 All together they joined their power and gave a decisive response to the blackmails and the terrorism of the government – plutocracy and E.U. They demanded the brutal measures of the medium-term program, of the implementation act not to be applied. They claimed not only the right to work and to have wages, but they also made one step further and they demanded “the plutocracy to bankrupt, not the people”, “release from E.U., which is a wolf-alliance”, they sent the message that “the wealth belongs to the workers and not to the capitalists, who are parasites”! They do not accept the debts created for the plutocracy and they refuse the people to pay again for the debts. 
 The huge participation in the Strike and in the two-day strike events shows that people have become more mature, are more capable day by day, struggle by struggle. They accumulate useful experience that can help them draw political conclusions. 
 Despite the fact that these measures were voted in the parliament, people and youth voted against them on the streets, against PASOK (social democrats) – N.D. (conservatives) and LAOS (nationalists who voted the “Memorandum”), people and youth did not legalize these measures in their minds and this is an important legacy for the future. It also appeared very clearly that this policy, these measures and the governments that serve them are not overthrown through “curses and insulting gestures”.  It is well understood that PASOK – N.D. – LAOS are the parties of plutocracy, they are hostile to the working people and their massive abandonment is the only solution for the interest of the people.

Unity and struggle in order for the plutocracy to bankrupt
and not the people!
 The conflict, the tension, the passion, the duration and the massiveness of the struggle shows that more and more people realize that these measures do not save the people from bankruptcy. These measures sink people even deeper; the people have already bankrupted. The capitalist crisis is a crisis of over-accumulation of capital and goods. The reason of the crisis is neither the thieves, nor the stolen money, nor the unable parties and politicians. The dilemmas raised by the government “medium-term program or bankruptcy”, “medium-term program or tanks” finally did not trap the popular strata. All these other pseudo-dilemmas must have the same fate if they are to be put at the pre-announced referendum.
 The government and the other mechanisms use the so-called movement of the square at Syndagma sq., where ordinary people participate in.  The government tried to create a conflict between the organized and strike movement with the so-called movement of indignant citizens.
 The movement of the square, with its famous slogans (“peaceful and without guardianship”, “parties out – trade unions out”, “gallows for the 300” etc.) was used to disorientate and entrap the popular indignation. The forces which supported and covered these slogans, like the forces of SYN-SYRIZA (opportunists) and of ANTARSYA (leftists) have got great responsibilities. The fact that the people with “masks” had not enter into action for a long time and appeared when the government received the vote of confidence and the general strike was declared, shows that there was a plan of utilization and exploitation of the spontaneous popular indignation.
 The government put into action an organized plan to crush the popular movement and has got the total responsibility for the provocation that took place at Syntagma square. The government used the provocative role of the people with “masks” to show its power to the popular movement. The provocation that they set up against PAME at Syndagma sq. failed. This provocation was prevented by the organization, the discipline, the ability of the forces of PAME to move in alignment throughout the march.  
 The statement of a representative of the bourgeoisie “the square is spontaneous, it is the organized you must be afraid of, like the things that are done in the ports” shows which movement actually scares them.
 A movement which is “peaceful” and “without guardianship” against the most brutal and organized attack of the business groups, of their parties and of E.U. is a tragic illusion.
 The prestige of PAME was further strengthened from the 48-hour strike, while once again it is confirmed that GSEE – ADEDY (the governmental and employer-led trade unions in the private and public sector) are constantly depreciated.
 More and more workers do not believe in GSEE – ADEDY today. Just as GSEE and ADEDY do not believe in the case of struggle. They did everything they could to undermine the strike, while in many sectors they openly organized strike-breaking.

Workers and employees, young women and men,
You must trust PAME!
 PAME has warned you in time for all these you live today. It has been vindicated! It has warned you about the capitalist crisis, the upcoming storm. PAME has stated clearly that we are at war!
 When all the forces in favour of the E.U. celebrated Greece entering the EMU at Zappeion, PAME was warning you in time of the sufferings brought to the people because of this.
  Do remember what we were saying back in 1992 about the Maastricht Treaty. We were the only ones telling “no” and everybody else was against us. None of them expressed even partially reluctance to the consequences of the European capitalist integration.
 PAME played the leading part and organized the struggle, since the first moment it was formed. PAME is in conflict with the plutocracy and its parties every day.
 PAME has got experience from organizing the class-oriented struggle. PAME knows how to lead the movement effectively, shielding it from traps. 
 PAME is a guaranteed, proven force in the class-oriented struggle; PAME offers perspective to your struggle.

Walk along with PAME, PASEVE, PASY, MAS, OGE.
Participate in the struggles!
We have got one way, we have got one choice.
 People should organize themselves impetuously to overthrow the correlation of forces in the movement and at the political level. Only like this, walking along with PAME, will people become powerful.
For the people’s own path of development, with popular power and release from the E.U., which workers will win through struggles.
Everybody for the victory.

July 2011


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