Call to the working class and its trade unions
Workers, unemployed, young women and men
PAME addresses to the working class and calls it to an uncompromising struggle, to protect the lives of our families from poverty and misery that surrounds us in order to save the capital’s profits.
The path of struggle, of organization within the trade unions, in the workplaces, in the sectors and the neighborhoods is an issue of top priority for all the workers.
The capital and the E.U. are going to attack with even more brutality, during the next period, to the already looted income of the working class, so as to safeguard the profits of the plutocracy from the capitalist crisis. The data are revealing, because, according to the latest repost of the Inspection of Labour (SEPE) within the first five months of 2012 at pan-hellenic level wages have been reduced about 22% and in some areas have exceeded cuts of 30%.
The assurances of the coalition government (N.D.- PASOK – DEMOCRATIC LEFT, conservatives – social democrats – center-left) that there will be no further reductions in salaries and pensions are absolutely deceptive. No time credit to the co-government. It will not solve any problem of the working class, but on the contrary it will aggravate its situation.
Do not trust the leadership of GSEE (governmental and employers’ trade unionism). It signs contracts with wage reductions; because their strategy is to bargain what and how many rights the working class will lose.
No waiting is allowed. We must enter the struggle now, knowing its difficulties and hardness. But at the same time, we know that it is a one-way road for the working class, because the ruling class with its political staff are preparing to devastate our life, even more. In order to prevent them, we must strengthen the unity of the workers and we must prepare our forces for the overthrow of the brutal antilabour policy. This is the realistic struggle today and it goes through confrontation with the monopolies and E.U. This is the only way that hope and relief could exist for the people.
The “new” wind that blows in the E.U. is proved to be in favour of the plutocracy, since a new tsunami of anti-labour measures is already prepared within the E.U. With further reductions in wages, pension reductions, privatizations, increase in the retirement age, and shrinkage in social spending for the support of the capitalist development.
Facing this situation, PAME calls the trade unions and federations in a coordinated struggle for the overthrowing of the antilabour laws that abolish basic rights and shield the employers’ aggression.
Reinstatement of the National Collective Labour Agreement of 751 euros gross wage for all, regardless of age, as a basis for signing a new National General Collective Labour Agreement with abolition of the reductions provided for the lowest day-wage by the new antilabour low.
Reinstatement of the obligatory implementation of the Collective Labour Agreement for all the workers of all sectors.
Implementation of the Collective Labour Agreement until the signing of the new Collective Labour Agreement, without time-limit.
Abolition of the possibility to sign business contracts with lower wages than the sectoral Collective Contracts.
Abolition of the presidential decrees of 2010 which provide the increase of dismissals limit and reductions of compensations.
Resetting the 13th and 14th wage in the public sector.
Withdrawal of all reductions imposed in the public sector since 2012, with priority the people with low-wages.
Abolition of all flexible forms of employment.
No dismissal in the public sector.
The Executive Secretariat
June 2012