We address cordial, militant greetings to the world working class
We honour Workers’ May Day, the combatants who lost their lives in the class-oriented struggles for working class rights.
We express our solidarity with the peoples who confront imperialism, resist the threats, interventions, wars, the imposition of occupation forces.
Developments have given the working class new duties.
We strengthen our struggle against imperialism, USA, NATO and the European Union.
Many African countries are under pressure from the imperialist policies of the USA and its allies. The same is true for countries in Latin America. The imperialists want to reshape and form a “new Middle East” with puppet governments to serve their geopolitical interests.
The imperialist competitions in Balkans and the wider area for the control of the energy sources and routes create a dangerous situation.
The changes of state-borders, the independence of Kosovo, the creation of protectorates and the installation of American and NATO bases, compose a part of the aggressive plans at the expense of peoples.
Imperialism creates millions of refugees, kills innocent people, abolishes the sovereignty and independence of nations, enslaves peoples, and transforms the UN into an umbrella for its illegal actions. Even the official facts speak for themselves. As a result of current wars, there are 8.5 million refugees, and 21 million of people have been forced to displace inside their own country.
There are over 20 million economic refugees in Europe alone. Tens of thousands of human beings are held in detention centers for economic refugees, in the modern concentration camps in the “Old Continent”. Racism, neo-fascism and xenophobia are slowly and gradually surfacing in social relations.
The excuse of fighting terrorism has been used to restrict democratic and trade union rights. Our human liberties are also being restricted. Peoples, states and governments are being threatened.
NO to the Euro-treaty, NO to the European Union
The European Union is becoming even more reactionary by the so called “European Treaty” (the disguised Euro-constitution) which leads to wider militarization, strengthening repression and antidemocratic measures, attacks on sovereign rights, strengthening the attack of big capital against the working class and the people’s rights as a whole.
Imperialist aggressiveness is not only expressed by threats, interventions and wars. It is expressed on a daily base by the reactionary changes, the restructurings made by capitalism in order to enforce competitiveness and capital’s profits, to prolong the exploitative system.
Development which has as its criterion capital’s profit, creates even more burdens for the working class and popular strata.
The policies applied by imperialist organizations (the International Monetary Fund – the World Trade Organization – the World Bank), the multinationals’ “business” lead millions of people into further starvation.
The number of illiterates in the world has never been higher. Millions of children remain uneducated. In the countries of the European Union, the number of illiterates has increased in the last three decades due to economic refugees, population movements and demographic changes.
According to World Health Organization Statistics, there are between 80 million and 120 million of working people suffering from work-related diseases.
The African countries continue to pay up to five times more for their foreign debts than for health services for their populations.
There are innumerable victims of AIDS, malaria, etc., due to the policies of the pharmaceutical corporations. In sub-Saharan Africa millions of children have become AIDS orphans.
Simultaneously, fabulous wealth is accumulated by the international oligarchy every day due to the increase in the exploitation of the working class of our planet.
Today few people become wealth by the exploitation of the many.
In our everyday life is proved that policies applied by governments (conservatives or social democrats) abolish labor rights, attack full time and stable work, extend part-time work, undermine Collective Agreements. These policies overthrow social security rights, downgrade and commercialize Health, Education and Welfare, privatize public enterprises in basic sectors of the economy.
The picture is no different in the former socialist countries of Europe, where the working class toils under feudal working conditions.
In the developed capitalist countries, the number of low-paid jobs in the area of services is being increased, thus creating a new proletariat.
New severe measures are coming to make cheaper the labor force.
Do not trust the political forces that are in support of the free capital movement, the social consensus which disarms workers.
Mass condemnation of the trade union bureaucracy and opportunism that is expressed by the European Trade Union Confederation (E.T.U.C.) and the International Trade Union Confederation (I.T.U.C.). They are capital’s instruments and support the reactionary changes.
Today the struggle should not be judged only on the level of an analysis of the problems, or by a description off the sufferings and anxieties of the working class.
Today, a large part of the working class all over the world want to “do something now”, so that the remaining social and economic gains will not be lost.
This is the stage when the workers must counterattack with a well-prepared gradual plan of work leading to a climax. The movement should be ready to grab every opportunity it has, but it should also have the ability and the courage to secure its past achievements under the conditions of generally negative alignments on the social and political levels.
PAME struggles through the WFTU lines
We continue our struggle for the problems that occupy working men and women, Greek and Immigrants, the youth.
We intensify our efforts to strengthen the class oriented unity of the working class, to construct the social alliance with the peasants and self-occupied.
We insist for the reorganization of the working class movement, to strengthen the trade unions and their relations with their members, to organize workers and to create stable bases in working places.
We are walking in this road demanding more, being taught by the class oriented and modern messages of the Labor Mayday.
We seek even more forces to rally in the daily struggle against plutocracy and imperialism, to open the way for deep, radical changes, for the development that will have as criterion the popular strata’s and working class’ needs.
Within the class oriented struggle we create the preconditions to release the working class from capital’s bonds, to abolish the exploitation of man by man.
LONG LIVE MAY 1st 2008