10 June, USB demonstration of School, University and Research at the Ministry for a real “revolution” of the university and research system and school

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The health crisis at Covid19 and the consequent closure of schools and universities has put the debate on the role of public education back at the centre, in this context all the limits of a training chain bent to the needs of the production chain, the dogmas of teaching by skills, evaluation as the ultimate goal, the corporatization of schools and universities and the submission of research for private profit.

After lockdown, USB continues to take back the squares. On June 10 it is the turn of the students, workers of the School, Research, University and Kindergarten and Kindergarten will demonstrate to the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of University and Research, to ask the government to set in motion the real “revolution” that the country needs to get out of the economic crisis.

With the Relaunch Decree, the government should have provided the tools the country needs to overcome the economic crisis caused by the health emergency. In reality, from that measure emerges the short-sightedness of a government which, instead of aiming at relaunching strategic sectors – such as Training, Knowledge and Research – to restart the economic and social development of the country, continues to support the model of the liberalist system which has shown all its limitations and contradictions during the epidemic.

The “revolution” that USB universities are asking the government for is a structural investment for an organic reform of the entire system. Abandoning the strategies that in recent years have impoverished the University, which generate dropping out of studies, brain drain, precariousness and processes of corporatization of universities.

Research was exalted in the darkest periods of Covid-19, when there were constant calls for change for the country in the light of the lesson learned from the health emergency, Public Research was then just as quickly downloaded and deleted from the list of priorities for the country. We rebel against the renewed exasperating indifference of the government and the minister towards public research, the same indifference that was immediately activated to understand and oppose Covid-19 and that is still at work today to protect the health of citizens: we can only denounce, in fact, the nothing for public research bodies where precarious workers still represent a substantial part.

The event on 10 June will therefore be an opportunity to reiterate once again with determination the urgency of a new training and management system for research and knowledge freed from the needs of the market and built on a deep understanding of the general and collective growth function of society. A point of resistance for an overall relaunch of the struggles in the world of training, towards an autumn of struggle!



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