WFTU- ICATU – GUPW International Campaign for Palestine

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To all the cadres of the leadership of the WFTU

Dear colleagues:

We are already launching the great campaign requested by our affiliates and friends in Palestine.

Please prepare to do our best together. It is an immediate internationalist, class and anti-imperialist task for all militants.

Together we must put into practice our motto: “PALESTINE IS NOT ALONE” Within the next few days we will inform you about the ways and means of participation, the materials needed, where they will be concentrated and the amounts needed.

From Palestine we have received a list of medicines and medical supplies. We don’t want you to send us money. It is easier to place and pay for your orders through the internet, requesting that the materials be delivered to the places that we will indicate.

There are many technical difficulties that we are trying to overcome. The greatest difficulty is the obstacles that Israel puts in the way of aid materials reaching Palestine.

Get ready, appoint someone in charge of your organization and you will have more news soon.

For the campaign, you can communicate through the emails below: [email protected] y [email protected]


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