We Condemn The Prosecutions Against The Metal Workers Union!

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The capitalists and their state criminalize the trade union action, the struggle of the Metal Workers Union of Athens!

Metal workers are being systematically dragged to trials with false charges, especially the last two years.

We are dealing with an “industry” of persecutions against the trade unionist workers, which was set up by the employers’ mechanisms in the Industrial Zone of Schisto (a few kilometers outside Athens) in order to intimidate the Union and generally every worker who is trying to stand up against them and struggle for his rights. Almost every member of the Union’s leadership are being accused while it’s the contractors who stand up against them, as prosecutors. Needless to say that many of the contractors are having close relations with the Nazi Criminal organization of Golden Dawn.

In some cases, Greek Justice brings back some cold cases which were on the verge of the lapse. In other trials, the prosecuted trade unionists are being convicted despite the opposite position of the prosecutor. In the same time, there are also completely unjustified convictions, which constitute a real provocation for the working class.

The criminal prosecutions are not accidental. Neither the way, nor the time of the prosecutions is random. The hundreds of law suits come as a result of the furious employers’ reaction who made their best in order to prevent the union’s presence in the Industrial Zone. The employers’ intimidations were escalated in 2007 during a strike which endured for 2,5 months and demanded a collective labor agreement as well as the expansion of workers’ conquests (7 hours- 5 days – 35 hours) on all the Industrial Zone.

This issue has not only to do with the Metal Workers Union – which is threatened by the employers with financial extermination because of the large trial costs- but also with every Trade Union, the whole people.

The employers, along with their allies, are trying to impose medieval working conditions through the criminalization of the union action and transform the whole region into a Special Economic Zone.

We appeal on all trade unions, on every workers’ and people’s organization to prevent these plans. We appeal on every one to condemn the criminalization of workers’ struggles, to enforce their support and solidarity to the prosecuted trade unionists metal workers!

Athens, February 29, 2016


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