They Cuddle the Fascists Murderers – They Persecute the Fighters Trade Unionists

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PAME denounces the criminalization of the struggle against Fascism and Racism, the persecution of trade union action.

On October 15 go on trial at the island of Samos leaders of local trade union organizations and of the trade unions in the Hospital of Samos, members of PAME, because on April 2013, they acted against the fascist, racist blood donation “ONLY FOR GREEKS” organized by the Nazi-criminal organization of Golden Dawn.

Only a few days after the leader of Golden Dawn admitted “political responsibility” for the Murder of Fyssas, and the leaders of the Golden Dawn -responsible for murderous attacks against trade union leaders of PAME, migrant workers, etc- still walk free. At the same time the bourgeois justice system persecutes those who resist and fight for the rights of the workers. They persecute those who fight for the unity between Greek and migrant workers. The persecution against the trade unionists is no accident, but is a clear stance of “protection” to the criminal-racist action of the Golden Dawn.

The Government of SYRIZA, as the previous Governments, have great responsibilities for this development. Once more is revealed that Fascism and State oppression are the two sides of the same anti-peoples’ policies, which serves the industrialists, the ship owners, the capitalists. The criminalization of trade union, anti fascist, anti racist action is a show of support towards the fascist murderers. It creates a dangerous precedent against the workers’-people’s struggles and as such must receive strong response by the workers and the trade union organizations.


Isolate the fascists of Golden Dawn and the forces that support them

We express our solidarity with the persecuted trade unionists

We demand all charges against them to be dropped





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