The “European meeting of the workers in multinational companies of the commerce sector” has been completed.

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The works of theEuropean meeting of  the workers in multinational companies of the commerce sector” has been completed. It was an initiative of  PAME, which took place in Brussels and attended by trade unions of Belgium, Great Britain, Greece, Italy,Spain, Cyprus, the Czech Republic and Turkey.

 The purpose of the meeting was to inform each other about the developments in the sector of commerce, to exchange views and experience on the organization of our action and to discuss joint initiatives we can take.

   From the meeting came out some common conclusions such as:

  • The antipopular attack escalates in all the states, either they have memorandums or not.

  • Gains and fundamental rights that had been achieved through hard struggles, are being now abolished withthe excuseto exit the crisis”. The reversals in Social Security, working relations, public health, education, mass unemployment, reduction in wages and pensions are not temporary, but permanent.

 At  the meeting we agreed on some common actions that  will  help  to make our struggle more effective, such as:

  • First of all we believe that we must strengthen the relations between the organizations. To have frequent exchange of  information about  the developments in the countries, and how we face the aggression of  the capital, the governments and the European Union.

  • Toget in touch with other trade unions in the sector. Our goal is to create aracing pole of  the trade union movement in the commerce sector.

  • To develop a common frame struggle and coordinate common struggles for the Sunday holiday, the shop opening hours, the collective labor agreements and the labor relations in the commerce sector.

 The European meeting of the workers in multinational companies of the commerce sector has also decided to express solidarity to:

    •  The workers’ strike in COCA COLA, inGreece.

The workers’ struggles in transportation, in Great Britain.

  • The farmers’ mobilizations

in Greece.





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