Supermarket Chain Of 12.000 Employees Announced Bankruptcy Procedures

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The Greek supermarket chain Marinopoulos, has applied for bankruptcy procedures, leaving more than 12.000 employees in uncertainty!

The employers did not give any information to the unions, who have organized protests outside the supermarkets and the offices of the chain, all over Greece to protect the employees’ job positions.

On Wednesday, June 29, the Union of Employees in Commerce-Retail of Athens demanded meeting with the employers, only to face the police forces that surrounded the offices of the company. After a militant action of the union, a representative of the company was forced to talk with the workers about the company’s plans.

The union demands

  • Ensuring of all jobs. No worker laid off! No coerced resignations or “voluntary” redundancies.

  • Payment of the full salary and allowances as scheduled

  • If in any possibility, the company is accepted into bankruptcy procedures, immediate adjustment of the demands, making sure to first satisfy the demands of the employees of the company over others (suppliers, banks, etc.).


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