Strikers of ZOURAS Industry: Thank You Letter to the American Tradeunionists who Supported the Strike

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At the beginning of December trade unionists from North America, who participated in WFTU’s trade union seminar, were informed about the ongoing strike in ZOURAS Food Industries. The strike, which continues till today, was facing many difficulties and the class trade unions of Athens were organizing solidarity campaign to support the strikers. The comrades from North America raised money, which through PAME, were delivered to the strikers, along with a message of support. The strikers of ZOURAS sent to PAME the following letter to thank all those who contributed financially for the success of the strike.



The American Trade Unionists who participated in the WFTU Seminar in Athens, December 2015


Dear comrades,

On behalf of the strikers in the poultry Industry ZOURAS we would like to thank you for your solidarity and financial support to our struggle.

As you know we are on strike fighting for the payment of our accrued wages, for our colleagues, who were fired, to return to work, for Health and Safety regulations in our workplaces and the signing of Collective Contract that will safeguard our labour rights. In this struggle we face the intimidation tactics of the Employer and the Greek Government. Bodyguards, police forces, arrests, threats. At the same time we face the pressure of the everyday needs as more than 500 families cannot afford daily necessities.

During a critical moment in our struggle, PAME transferred to us your Message of Solidarity, along with the financial support to the striker workers and their families. Your words, this action of yours, to express to us, in this way, your solidarity, you, who are thousands of miles away, this gave us courage and strength. This is the power of the workers. Class Solidarity, irrespective of religion, nationality, race or gender.

Please, transfer our gratitude to all workers that contributed for the financial support of our struggle.

On behalf of the trade union of workers in ZOURAS poultry Industry, Chalkida, 29/12/2015

The President

Giannis Tzavaras

The General Secretary

Dultsa Pelagia


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