Strike June 16 – Strong Condemnation of the Anti-Workers’ AttackVIDEOS

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

The class unions of Greece gave a strong militant and massive response to the attack of the Business groupsand the Greek Government. Within 7 days PAME held 2 General Strikes and on June 16 held 2 massive rallies in front of the Parliament in Athens and in many more cities all over Greece.

The Government attempted with all means to block the strike action, with slander, court orders and their Media. There were threats, blackmails, and even layoffs of unionists and workers who called for participation to the strike or took part in the strike of June 10.

However people and workers from all over the country and all sectors expressed multiform support to the strike. Important also was the international solidarity and support from unions from all over the world.

Late at night the Government of ND, which has majority in the parliament, voted in favor of the bill and also SYRIZA voted in favor of 56 articles of the bill’s articles.

However the massive participation and support to the strikes condemned the bill of the Government and showed that the workers will send these measures to the trash and will block them in the workplaces.

The massive and militant action of the class unions the last months revealed that the trade union movement is alive and strong, against the tactics of the unions of class collaboration, ETUC’s members in Greece, like GSEE, who yesterday did not even organize not even a symbolic demonstration and all this period undermined the militant actions of the unions, cultivating disorientation and confusion speaking of “positive aspects” in the new measures.

During the rallies of PAME in Athens the unions informed about the success of the strikes in many sectors. In the port of Piraeus, no ship sailed, even though the strike was declared illegal by the courts.In the region of Lavrio, East Attica at Marathonas, land workers succeeded during the strike to sign wage increases of 20%. Unions that held elections during this period, such as the Union of Workers in Pharmaceutical Industries of Athens, had a raise in members and participation.

The most important step of the strike was highlighting that even in today’s difficult conditions, after a year of pandemic, the class unions succeeded in mobilizing thousands of workers, many of whom for the first time took part in strike and union action. In spite of the intimidations and multiform attacks of the employers and the government, thousands took to the streets and demanded a better future under the slogan




Afternoon Strike Rally in Athens

Morning Strike Rally in Athens

Morning Strike Rally in Thessaloniki

Afternoon Strike Rally in Thessaloniki

Strike Rally in Larissa

Strike Rally in Giannena

Strike Rally in Patras

Strike in Piraeus Port


Photos from the Actions of PAME




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