Strike Breaking Mechanisms Against The Strike At Zouras Food Industries

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The workers of ZOURAS Food Industry have been on new series of continuous Strike Actions since November 14. They demand the payment of accrued wages, cancelation of layoffs, Health and Safety measures at the workplace.

On Thursday, November 19, the employers brought a strike breaking mechanism, protected by 4 bodyguards, one of whom was carrying gun.

The workers were not intimidated and went on legal action against the henchmen. However, the police went on and arrested also the President of the Workers Union, who was accused by the employer for slander.

The Federation of Workers in Food and Drinks Industries of Greece organized immediately a protest at the police station and demanded the release of the trade unionist. At the same time arrived at the police station delegation of the Executive Secretariat of PAME, workers of ZOURAS and people from the area to support the trade union.

The President of the Union was released and the workers continue their strike.


Athens, November 20, 2015


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