Solidarity with the workers of Telefonica and Movistar. Solidarity With the trade unions of Cobas, AST and CGT

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

Dear colleagues of Telefonica and Movistar,

To the trade unions of Cobas, AST and CGT,

We, the workers in Telecommunications and IT companies of Athens, the workers of Forthnet, and 360connect (Vodafone) express our solidarity to the difficult struggle you give.

We learned about the developments in your country. Telefónica is about to sign the new contract with partner companies. This new contract means the same or worse, of the already bad working conditions: endless working hours, Sunday work, and intensification of work.

We know, because we face the same problems in Deutsche Telekom-OTE, Vodafone and in other companies of the sector. When we met with Cobas in the Telecommunications meeting in Athens in March, our stories, our problems and our enemies were the same.

The profits of the companies come from our work, but we live with poor wages and worse conditions, the companies divide us through Mother Companies and subsidiaries, through outsourcing or freelancers. But we are those who produce the wealth!

Your struggle against the slavery conditions in Telefonica is also our struggle.

In your strikes, in your demonstrations and meetings, we will be with you.

The workers in Telecommunications will not be the slaves of the 21st century


The Trade Union of Workers in Telecommunications and IT of Athens

The Trade Union of Workers in Forthnet

The Trade Union of Workers in 360connect


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