Solidarity with the Workers of Caterpillar in Gosselies, Belgium

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All Workers Militant Front-PAME, which represents the class trade union movement of Greece, expresses its solidarity with the 2000 workers of the multinational Caterpillar Factory at Gosselies, Belgium, who face the shutting down of the factory and unemployment.

While the multinational continues to make huge profits through the intensification of exploitation of the workers and receives many privileges and tax exemptions of millions from the Governments in Belgium, the company plans to shut down the factory so as to transfer production in other facilities.

The multinationals’ hunt for profits, with victims always the workers, is based on the support the corporations receive from the Governments in each country and from the European Union, who support the monopolies. Great are the responsibilities also to the trade union organizations that cultivate the ideology of class collaboration for years, arguing that it is possible the profits and growth of the multinationals to benefit the workers.

Against these developments, against the continuous attack of the multinationals and their Governments, against the wage cuts and layoffs, workers have only choice to fight against those who lead them to unemployment and misery. Organization and struggle, coordination of the militant unions of each country, in Europe, by strengthening solidarity.

PAME expresses its solidarity with the workers in the multinational Caterpillar and will stand by their side in their fight to protect their jobs.


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