Solidarity With The Unions, The Workers And The People Of Turkey

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To the Unions

The Workers and the people of Turkey

 PAME expresses its solidarity to the Unions, the workers and the people of Turkey for the criminal attack they suffered on Tuesday evening at the airport of Istanbul.

The intensification of imperialist competitions has already had major consequences on the peoples of the region. The role played by local governments, such as the Turkish and the Greek Government, it is like a matchstick next to gunpowder. While under the pretext of the “fight against terrorism” is created an even more suffocating context of restricting democratic rights and freedoms, which is exploited to escalate the attack on wages and workers’ rights in each country.

The class workers movement of Greece and Turkey, with the values of friendship, solidarity and proletarian internationalism, will remain at the forefront of the struggle against imperialism and monopolies. We strengthen the struggle against imperialist wars and interventions.

We express our condolences for the victims of the attack and our solidarity to the people and the workers of Turkey


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