Solidarity with MALAMATINA Workers

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The Secretariat of PAME salutes the many weeks of struggle of the workers in the MALAMATINA factory in Thessaloniki. The workers in MALAMATINA are in strike struggle the last weeks to cancel the dismissals of 15 workers and to sign a collective agreement. They are in a long struggle with decisions of their massive General Assemblies, against intimidations, repression and the courts. The employers are trying to break the strike, using riot police and other repressive forces that are on the scene on the orders of the government.

Example of the repression are the intimidating arrests of the President of the Union of Workers in the Malamatina Company and leaders of the National Federation of Workers in Bottled Drinks Industries, cadres of PAME Frangidis Yannis and Yannis Nivorlis.

The workers, having confidence in their own forces and with the solidarity expressed by the unions of Thessaloniki, unions and workers of the sector and from all over the country, continue their just struggle.

We call on the trade unions to express their solidarity with the struggle of the workers in MALAMATINA.



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