Seafarers unions of Greece Solidarity with P&O workers and RMT

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

The seafarers unions of Greece PEMEN, STEFENSON, PEEMAGEN, PEPRN, we denounce the decision of the shipping company P&O Ferries, based in Dover, England, to proceed with the dismissal of 800 seafarers, in order to replace them with cheaper workers through contractors.

The seafarers were informed of the decision of the shipping company through a ZOOM call, which informed them en masse that, “today was the last day of your employment” on our ships.

Some seafarers refused to leave their ships in protest, so they were withdrew with the use of repressive forces. At the same time, members of the RMT union blocked traffic in Dover in response to the 800 layoffs announced by P&O Ferries. The company, in response to the reactions provoked, cynically stated that “it was a difficult decision, but the business would not be viable without the changes” !!!

This is the barbarity of the capitalist system, whose only and exclusive motive is profit and to which everything is its subject. Human life in the system of exploitative barbarism has not the slightest value. Workers live every day with the threat of dismissal, the violence of unemployment hanging over their heads.

It is confirmed daily that growth based on human and his needs cannot exist, as long as monopolies dominate the economy, as long as production is driven by the profitability of business groups.

In order for human life to acquire value and meaning, for society to function in order to meet the needs of the people, there is only one way, the organization and the collective struggle of the workers for their rights to jobs, salary, Collective Agreements.

We respond to the attack of employers, governments by strengthening the unions in order to get rid of these parasites that consider the workers a consumable item. The seafarer, the worker, the employee can and must claim the wealth we produce.

The need for organization and development of the class struggle by seafarers, workers, against the violence and terrorism of capital is urgent. The answer to the violence of the employers is the organization and the collective struggle of the workers for their rights.

The seafaring unions of Greece PEMEN, STEFENSON, PEMAGEN, PEPRN stand by our colleagues in the UK and the RMT Union and express our solidarity in their mobilizations. Your fight is also our fight


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