Preparations Escalate for the 2-Day Antiimperialist Action of PAME

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Last days before the 2-Day Anti-Imperialist Action of PAME in Thessaloniki and the Unions, Federations, Regional Trade Union Centers escalate their preparations.

Monday and Tuesday, June 19-20 were days of massive campaign in the workplaces against imperialism. Especially, as June 20 is the World Refugee Day, and Action Day of the European Regional Office of the WFTU in Solidarity with the Refugees, Against NATO and Imperialism. In this context there were visits to Refugee Camps and hosting facilities

PAME Executive Secretariat, on Monday, June 19, held a Press Conference to inform on the Program and aims of the 2 Day Anti-Imperialist Activities of PAME, the international support and its charter of demands. Video:

The Regional Labour Centre of Lavrio organized an activity at the historical landmark of Sounio, with a banner saying “NATO KILLERS GO HOME”.


International trade union support and solidarity with the initiative of PAME grows, with support messages from Trade Unions from many countries from Bosnia, Cyprus, Iraq and the USA.


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