Photos Webpage Of PAME Reached Over 3,000,000 Views Within Its First Year On Line

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Photos PAMe

PAME utilizes all possible means to inform the workers and highlight the multiform action of the class trade unions. The class oriented trade union movement, which is banned from the mass media owned by business groups, had the duty to develop its own means of information. In this direction PAME, since November 2014, operates Photos webpage with the actions of PAME and the class trade unions, which has reached over 3,000,000 views within its first year online. The result of these efforts shows the necessity to work harder and with better organization in this area.

Important help to this task is the volunteer work of workers, unemployed who contribute with their knowledge and time.

Facing the new battles it is our duty to improve our informative work. To break the silence imposed by the capitalist media.

 PAME’s Photos Webpage is at:


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