PAME welcomes the release of the Cuban 5

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To Central de Trabajadores de Cuba


PAME Welcomes the release of the Cuban Patriots, who were wrongfully imprisoned for years in the prisons of the USA, for revealing the plans of organisations (who were supported and funded by the US government) against Cuba.

We share the joy of the Cuban people and the working class of Cuba for the return of their children. Their release is the fulfilment of the just demand of millions of workers and trade union organisations, from all over the world, who were fighting for years to defend the gains of workers, the right of every people to decide its own fate, its own life and its own future, for the release of the Cuban 5.

PAME steadily supported, all these years, the demand for their release with dozens initiatives in Greece, as well as internationally with more recent the event with the GS of CTC last summer in Athens and the Resolution of the National Rally of Pame, November 1st, the demonstration of 1000 trade unions and 100,000 demonstrators.

The historic duty of the labour movement does not allow us to relax. The escalation of the capitalist crisis, the “dogs of war” and the contradictions of the monopolies, lead deterministically to the escalation of the attack against the workers and their gains, in spite of any maneuvers imperialism might attempt.

PAME commits itself that, as it did till today, will continue steadfast the struggle against cuban blockade by the USA, against the Common Position adopted by the European Union against Cuba, for the right of every people to determine their own future.





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