PAME Solidarity with the workers of France against trade union persecutions

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 PAME denounces the new attempt of the French Government to intimidate workers and criminalise workers’ struggles, by calling the General Secretary of the CGT Energy Federation, Sébastien Menesplier to give statement to the police for the militant initiatives developed by the trade unions in the past months against Macron’s pension reform.

The great months-long struggle of French workers has succeeded, through the huge mobilisations of millions of workers, in showing that the French people have rejected the French government’s anti-workers’ reforms. An important role in the mobilisations and their success was played by the initiative and the diversity of actions decided and implemented by the workers themselves through mass, collective processes throughout the country and in the workplaces.

In the face of mass popular action and mobilisation, the French government responded with slander, authoritarianism, persecutions and repression by targeting trade unions and trade unionists who led the mobilisations.

Today, the French government, in order to prepare for the continuation of the attack, is escalating the repression by criminalising trade union activity and workers’ struggles, by prosecuting trade unionists. It is also shown in this way that in the European Union, “democracy” and “freedoms” of the people and workers only go as far as the interests and profits of the business groups. While Governments all over Europe, regardless of their colour, will promote the interests of the bosses by every means and way, escalating repression and authoritarianism.

PAME denounces the new anti-workers’ plans of the French government. Intimidations and authoritarianism will again be smashed against the wall of mass, internationalist, class solidarity.

We stand with the workers of France and their just struggles!

Hands off the unions!

Hands off trade union organization and action!

Stop the persecutions against trade unionists!


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