PAME Protests at Embassies of Spain in Greece for the Melilla Massacre

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The massacre of immigrants in Melilla was condemned with dynamic mobilizations in Athens and Thessaloniki on Tuesday, June 28 at the embassy and consulate of Spain respectively.

In Athens, PAME, called for a militant protest, denouncing in the strongest terms the brutal massacre of African immigrants by Moroccan and Spanish repressive forces in their attempt to cross the Morocco-Spain border.

A statement condemning the massacre was delivered to the embassy, while protesters marched in front of the building with pickets, shouting slogans. The announcement of PAME about the new crime against immigrants and refugees was read in Greek and English. With their presence and their slogans, workers and youth stated that “the barbaric crime of the so called ‘progressive’ European imperialism, the massacre of immigrants in Melilla, will not go unanswered.”

The protesters chanted “Capitalism kills, this crime will not be forgotten” and “Murderers, thieves, hypocrites are the European imperialists”. The slogans “The borders of the imperialists are drawn with the blood of the peoples” and “The EU Murders in Melilla, in Lampedusa, in the Aegean” were written in Greek and English on pickets.

ALekos Perrakis, of the Executive Secretariat of PAME, stated that “the EU and governments of all shades are responsible for the uprooting of people, for crimes like this in Melilla but also the use of refugees and immigrants as cheap labor. Greek and migrant workers must continue their common struggle…With this intervention we denounce the images of horror and violence of repression against the uprooted, the immigrants who are looking for a better future. Images that are presented as “defense of territorial sovereignty”, calling the uprooted “invaders”.

Those who exploit the wealth and the people of the African countries, who uproot entire peoples with their policies and wars, are the ones who then oppress them at the borders. It is the policy of the EU and governments – in all its nuances – that are to blame for this crime, which also reminds us of Italy and the Aegean, with detention centers for those who manage to cross but are prevented from going to their destination countries. It is the same policy that attacks at the rights of Greek and migrant workers, workers in all EU countries.”

Similar protest took place also in Thessaloniki, at the Consulate of Spain. The class unions


Photos Athens

Photos Thessaloniki



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