PAME National Congress, June 18-19 2022

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On Sunday May 15, the Executive Secretariat of PAME held itsmeeting to discuss the action of the trade unions, Regional Trade Union Centers and National Federations. The developments on the big mobilizations in sectors and workplaces and conclusions from the recent strike struggles.

The meeting of the Executive Secretariat of PAME also announced that PAME will hold its National Congress Meeting in Athens on June 18-19, 2022.The main slogan will be:

Our Power is in Organization

Hope lies in our Struggles

Our weapon is Solidarity

National Congress Meeting of PAME

June 18-19, Athens

In honor of the Congress PAME will host an Internationalist event with Trade Unions from Europe on June 17.

PAME called on the trade unions and trade unionists of Greece that rallied with PAME in major National strikes, or sectoral struggles, in collective bargaining, in the fight against layoffs and for the right to work, those who do not agree with today’s injustice, to contribute to the success of the Congress. All Unions to discuss the need for the counter-attack of the workers’-trade union movement, for the overthrow of the anti-workers’ laws, for the strengthening of the demanding class struggles, in order to put in the frontline, the satisfaction of the modern-popular needs.


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