PAME-Greece: On Today’s General Strike November 12

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

The Executive Secretariat of PAME salutes the participation of thousands of workers in today’s National General Strike.

In more than 70 strike demonstrations of PAME, all over Greece, dozens of thousands of workers, students, farmers, self-employed, women and unemployed participated to give response to the anti-people’s policy of the Government of SYRIZA. During the demonstrations the messages of solidarity from trade union organisations from all over the world were read and the demonstrators cheered as it was announced that protests of Solidarity were held the same time in Turkey and South Africa. The demonstration in Athens went on, highlighting the banners and pickets of WFTU.

The strike demonstrations of PAME put aside intimidations and threats of the employers. They overcome the climate of fatalism and compromise of a life with crumbs that is cultivated by the government and the political parties of the plutocracy.

In these conditions of an all-out attack, it is critical to overcome the forces of employers’ and governmental trade unionism, which not only did not move a finger for the organization and success of the strike but instead they support the impositions of anti-popular measures. They are tools deception of the people, of consensus and class collaboration.

Today’s strike is only the beginning!

We call on the trade unions, youth associations, self-employed, farmers, women, pensioners and workers in every industry and workplace, to continue the militant actions and the escalation of our response!

In every city, in every neighbourhood, in every factory and workplace to give the fight of information on the anti-social security monstrosity that is in the works, to multiply discussions and strengthen the collective proceedings.

To firmly prepare the next step of militant escalation, to respond with new general strike against the attack on social security, our rights, our lives.

All in the streets! All in the struggle!

 Development for the people and not for the profits of business groups

To take our lives and future in our hands.

To deny the modern slavery-regime that they plan for us!



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