PAME Congress 2024 – Militant Station for the Trade Union Movement

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With new momentum, with more optimism in the organisation of the struggle and counter-attack

PAME’s National Congress met great success with thousands of trade unionists discussing the reorganization of the movement, the revitalization of the unions

It was one of the leading, collective, substantial and lively processes of the labour movement.

A two-day event full of rich and militant experience from the action of hundreds of Unions, Federations, Regional Trade  Union Centres.

A great class meeting that leaves a legacy for the whole trade union movement, to strengthen the class pole, PAME, the struggle against the capitalist system, the barbarity of exploitation and wars.

With the participation of 594 unions from all sectors from all over Greece. A record number for such processes, and 530 unions that participated in the last Congress.

More specifically, the Congress was attended by representatives from 22 Regional Trade Union Centres, 17 Federations and more than 550 primary unions from the private and public sector from all sectors.

Characteristic were the images conveyed at the Congress that even at the last minute, when the work was starting, there were unions that overcame hesitations, held General Assemblies and Boards to be present in the Congress, starting from every corner of the country.

On Saturday morning, this great class rally, the most lively, the most militant, the most active part of the labour movement of Greece, militant trade unionists from new unions, but also from old unions that after years of being inactive were revitalized, gaining courage and getting back on their feet all assembled at PAME Congress.

The workers who showed that there is hope, that the one-way street is the class struggle, the confrontation with the employer and its state, the demand for modern needs, were there.

They were side by side with the veteran trade unionists who 25 years ago took the historic decision to form PAME, laying the foundations for the reconstruction of the labour movement. With those who participated in the first Secretariats of the Front, who kept “water nests”, going “against the current”, putting a stop to the social corporatism, fatalism and resignation that the labour traitors of the GSEE leadership were trying to impose.

Everyone was encouraged by seeing the participation of hundreds of trade unionists from the “new shift” of the working class, who went into work and struggle, who took on tasks by gaining the trust of their colleagues over the last 10 years, in the years of crisis, fierce attack, pandemic, etc. The period when the unions fought magnificent battles, and despite the difficulties they had important conquests, contradicting governments and groups who thought they would “get away with it” through organised collective struggle.

In a process of militant drawing of conclusions, and with an eye to the present and the future of the class struggle, to how the unions can become even more capable of organizing the struggle and the confrontation with capital, dozens of trade unionists took the floor.

They transferred experience from the action in the workplaces, with all the participants for two days listening attentively to every word, encouraging their colleagues, taking courage.

The common finding was that there are now many more trade unionists who have a lot to say about union action, bringing practical experience and heartfelt conclusions.

Besides, in recent years there have been major workers’ mobilisations, where PAME has put its stamp, has contributed to their endurance, in the greatest cornering of governments and employers. And these struggles feed every union with new experience.

Both the Main Document and the interventions highlighted the great potential for more decisive steps in the direction of reorganization.

It was shown in the transfer of experience of how new unions were set up in almost all sectors in conflict with the employers and their minions.


It was seen in overcoming obstacles that a few years ago seemed insurmountable, with union officials also conveying how they themselves overcame themselves. How they managed to mass unions, to push aside pro-employer – pro-government forces.

Furthermore, on how collective demand and action developed in unprecedented conditions, especially for younger trade unionists, e.g. in conditions of teleworking.

On how correlations changed in primary unions, but also in LabRegional Union Centres and National Federations, with new unions rallying to PAME or responding steadily to its calls, co-operating and coordinating their pace.

That is, how, in the heat of the battle, in small and large mobilisations, in a series of struggle stations in recent years, and despite the weaknesses and difficulties, the regroupment of the movement is being put into practice.

“Their profits or our lives. We claim the life we deserve, on the road to overthrow“: this slogan of the Congress set the tone for the “next day”, which finds the class trade union movement taking on more tasks.

But with new weapons and greater determination to meet the demands of the times:

For the struggle against the escalating war conflicts, in the face of the new potential crisis and the sharpening of antagonisms. “So that we don’t become meat for their cannons”, as several speakers said, to make the unions even more capable of confronting the line of engagement, taking an example from the recent mobilisations, for example in Piraeus where they prevented the loading of ships with munitions for the massacre of the Palestinian people.

With slogans, raised fists and warm applause were welcomed trade unionists from a number of countries in Europe and all over the world, who came to Athens on Saturday morning, at the Congress venue to take part in PAME’s initiative, to express their solidarity with the struggles of the workers of Greece and to join forces in the effort to strengthen the workers’ counter-attack internationally.

“No submission to imperialism, the only superpower is the people”.

The delegation of foreign trade unionists was joined by the leadership of the “big class family” to which PAME belongs, the World Federation of Trade Unions. The WFTU was represented by its President Mike  Mzwandile Makwayiba, from South Africa, its General Secretary Pampis Kiritsis, from Cyprus, and the head of its European Office Pierpaolo Leonardi, from Italy.

The slogan “Free-Freer Palestine” was loudly heard when the presence of the President of the Palestinian Trade Union Federation of Jerusalem, Susan Salam, was announced. “The working class of Greece denounces the imperialist crime, the genocide in Palestine and Lebanon. We are firmly on the side of the people of Palestine,” was the message of the trade unionists.

A warm welcome was given to trade unionists who are fighting in their countries against the employers, but also against the compromised trade union leaderships, for militant trade unions:

A minute’s silence for the trade unionists who “passed away” from the previous Congress until today, as well as for all injured workers in labour “accidents” was observed at the beginning of the proceedings.

International delegations also participated in a meeting under the theme “We respond to the system of wars, poverty and exploitation with organisation, solidarity and class struggles.”

The Congress’ works were concluded on Sunday afternoon, with the election of the new PAME Secretariat



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