PAME Addressed Trade Union Seminar in Oslo, Norway

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PAME participated in a trade union seminar organized by Norway’s Unions in Oslo on the issue of the European Union’s anti-labor policies and their consequences for workers.

At the conference, which was held with the participation of dozens of unionists PAME highlighted:

On behalf of the class oriented movement in Greece, PAME, we would like to thank you for the invitation to participate in this meeting. We consider it to be an important initiative, since it opens the debate about the escalated attack against the workers of our countries by the capitalists and their political personnel.

The EU, the big capital and its political parties also face labor rights not from the point of view of the needs of the working class, but from the point of view of business interests and monopoly competition. The EU, strategy has as a target the ruining of workers’ rights so as to ensure more profits for the big business groups.

Here now, as trade unions, we must ask ourselves, would it be this attack so brutal, would they be so many the losses of the rights of the workers all over Europe, if it wasn’t dominant the line of ETUC? A line of submission to the only way of the EU, to the politics of competition of the big business groups that lowers even more the price of the working force. Would it be such a hard situation for the workers of Europe if the attack of the governments and the monopolies would find against them a working class organized, fighting, in massive unions and not in bureaucratic ones, unions with class orientation and not unions that are servants for the bosses?

Having as a base the great history and the rich experience of the class orientated trade unionist movement in our country but internationally also, we try each and every day to give our fights with the criteria the defense of the interests of the working class against the monopolies, against the multi nationals, the fight for the modern needs of the workers families, to open a new fighting course, with the ultimate goal of wealth belonging to those who produce it.”




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