Organized, Class Response to the Racist Poison of the Fascists

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The class trade unions show once more that the racist, xenophobic poison of the fascists can be blocked with organized, militant response. With solidarity and uncompromising action, with the revealing of the true enemy, imperialism and its forces.

After the fascists attacked a school, to stop refugee children attending classes, the unions and people gave immediate, militant response.

In many schools, around the country, where refugee children went yesterday for the 1st time, unions, parents associations and people’s committees were there to welcome them and express their solidarity and support. Teachers and Workers’ Unions gave to the refugee children bags, notebooks, pencils and a warm welcome.

At the same time the class unions highlighted the great responsibilities of the SYRIZA Government, which with its tactics allows the fascists to act and spread their poisonous, racist positions. The SYRIZA Government, in alignment with the European Union, keeps more than 20.000 refugee children and more than 60.000 refugees in total, trapped in Greece. It does not allow them to travel to their destinations and keeps them in Refugee Camps, managed by NGO’s that are financed with millions, while the refugees live in inhumane conditions.

The SYRIZA Government only just now allowed the refugee children to attend school, and this without any consultation of the Teachers Unions and Parents Associations. In many cases in schools that lack the funding to operate in normal conditions and without giving specific information to parents about how the school would operate. Based on this situation, the fascists of Golden Dawn, found the opportunity to spread fear and lies.

The Parents Association of Perama, and the Union of Workers in Local Authorities of Perama, of the region where the fascists attacked the school two days ago, issued a statement yesterday stating:

In our schools and in our homes there is no place for racism and xenophobia. We isolate any such voice. We want to raise our children with the values of peace, solidarity, cooperation and love for each other.

Our enemy is not the refugees, the migrants and their children.

Our enemy is the policy of the Governments and the EU that cause wars, and victimize the peoples”


Photos of Unions, Parents and People Welcoming Refugee Children in their schools:



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