On The Proposal Of The District Attorney Of The European Court for the Legalization of Massive Layoffs

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

The Trade Union of Telecommunications and Information Technology sector of Athens (SETIP) condemns the proposal of the district attorney of the European Court (on the case of the Multinational Lafarge Holcim Group) that supports business groups’ demand for massive dismissals.

This proposal comes to abolish our remaining rights. In addition, it supports the plans of the Government of SYRIZA in Greece, since if it is adopted by the European Court it will open the way for mass dismissals, by eliminating any legal obstacle the employers had.

This, once again proves that the EU and its institutions are a union that promotes and protects the interests of the monopolies. With this action, the employers will be able to make layoffs, whenever they deem it necessary to increase their profit, while, essentially, any protection workers had against dismissal, is abolished.

Based on this, they will proceed to further wage and pension cuts; they will try to abolish our right to strike. They want to abolish our labor rights and the rights that have been achieved through blood and struggle.

We will not remain idle. We respond to the growing attacks. They are not invincible. We are the ones creating their profits; we are the power that propels their businesses. We continue our fight and struggle against their plans, against the life they create for us.

Athens, June 20, 2016



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