On the new shipwrecks with Refugees in the Aegean

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PAME expresses its deep sorrow and anger for the new deadly shipwrecks in the Aegean of boats carrying refugees and migrants.

The new shipwrecks reveal once again that the Government’s loud statements about “regaining control over the Refugee – Migration” situation are hypocritical. While trying to hide the enormous responsibilities of the European Union and the Governments for the ongoing crime taking place in the Aegean and the wider region.

The Refugees issue will continue to grow and refugees and migrants will continue to fall victims to various circuits that have “sprouted” on the policy of confinement of migrants, of the EU-Turkey agreement and the transformation of Greece into a large concentration camp for refugees and migrants.

To stop the daily loss of human lives, the transformation of Greece into a graveyard of the uprooted and the persecuted, requires conflict and disobedience in the imperialist organizations and their inhumane policies for the refugees.

Take now all necessary measures for the immediate granting of asylum and the protection of refugees in accordance with the Geneva Convention and the UN Directives for the Refugees.

Stop the murderous policy of deportations and prison superstructures


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