On the Layoffs in the multinational CISCO

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PAME (All-Workers Militant Front) that represents the class trade union movement of Greece expresses its solidarity with the workers of the multinational CISCO – IT industry that also operates in Greece- which announced that it will proceed in over 5,000 layoffs worldwide.

At the same time the Media, the Greek Government and other political forces do not stop to promote the development of modern technologies as the way out of the crisis. However, the layoffs in CISCO are only part of the tens of thousands of layoffs worldwide in the sectors of information technology and telecommunications, where workers suffer the consequences of the competition between the multinationals. At the same time, the majority of jobs created to replace the old workers (who had acquired rights) are flexible jobs, fixed-term workers by outsourcing companies-modern slave traders.

Against the attack of the monopolies, the workers in CISCO and the other IT and Telecommunications’ multinationals, have as only choice the organization of the struggle, coordination and solidarity.


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