On the General Strike of December 8 (PHOTOS)

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The Executive Secretariat of PAME sends militant greetings to the thousands strikers, the unemployed, the young, the women, the self-employed, the fighting small farmers, to all those, who gave decisive response to the threats and the obstacles, to all those who successfully organized the National General Strike of December 8 in the factories, the workplaces, to all those who took part in the big Strike Demonstrations in more than 60 cities all over Greece.

The strike of December 8, gave response to the lies of the Government, which attempts to present black as white, and celebrates with the European Union, the IMF and the big corporations of every branch for the “growth and recovery of the Economy”. “Growth” will be built over the wreckage of the workers’ rights and gains, it will be built over the bodies and the sacrifices of the working class, by escalating exploitation, new cuts in workers’ wages, new brutal taxes to the people.

The strike gave response within the branches and the workplaces, against the negative conditions created by the old and new measures.

We call the trade union organizations to give their best efforts for the reconstruction of the trade union movement. This is what they fear those who are afraid of the workers’ strength. This is why they want the workers into submission, under defeatism and compromise. Those who are terrified of our slogan “Without Workers No Cog Can Move, Workers Can Without Bosses”.

This is what the business groups, their political representatives, the unions controlled by the employers and the Government, are all afraid. The unions controlled by the employers and the Government, the affiliates of ETUC-ITUC, who did NOTHING for the preparation of the strike. That is why on the day of the strike they could only organize a “gathering” of a few dozens executives, without any workers.

PAME calls the workers into militant struggle, continuous and escalating. No tolerance to the lies of the SYRIZA Government and the Business Groups, to the new attack.

Strengthen the Organization in the Unions

Strengthen the cores of struggle in every branch and workplace.


Photos from the Strike Demonstration of Athens at:



More Photos at:




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