NATO out of the Aegean Sea – Call for Massive Protest at the Ministry of Defense

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

Facing the dangerous developments because of the Greek Government’s decision to commonly propose (with Turkey and Germany) the assignment of NATO to patrol the Aegean Sea, in the name of securing the Greek-Turkish borders from the refugees, the working class must respond “NATO Out of the Aegean Sea”, “No to the Imperialist Wars-No Participation of Greece-Now to close all NATO bases in Greece”.

Using the refugee issue as a pretext –by those who cause the uprooting of the refugees- they promote their agenda for condominium of the Aegean “under EU-NATO imperialists’ umbrella”. The presence of NATO forces in the area is related with the imperialist intervention in Syria and a new intervention in Libya.

PAME calls the Federations, the Unions to call all workers to participate the protest organized by the Greek Committee for International Recession and Peace (EEDYE) in front of the Ministry of Defense on Thursday, February 25.


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