National Strike in Food-Drinks Industries of Greece

Δημοσιεύτηκε στις

The workers in Food-Drinks Industries of Greece held a National Strike in the sector on Thursday, June 30, demanding Sectoral Collective Contracts with wage increases and better working conditions.

The National Federation of Workers in Food-Drinks Industries and the Industry level and local unions denounced the attempts of employers in a series of factories, to intimidate the workers and break the strike.

For example the employer of “Tasty” called the police, which came to its premises, even going so far as to escort trucks as they entered the business, in an apparent attempt to intimidate and provoke the strikers, with the latter however to give the best answer, the strike closure of production. It should be noted that the Federation and the business union intervened by complaining and demanding the immediate withdrawal of the police forces, which was done.

Against the employers’ tactics the strike met great success in most factories and areas with big participation. Factories like EMFI (former EVGA), at “Tasty”, at “Kanakis” in Elefsina, at “Mimikos” and at “Kelaiditis” in Evia, in “Coca-Cola” factory near Athens and more.

The Federation noted:

“The success of the strike becomes even more important, because it took place in very difficult conditions, amid an intense climate of terrorism by the industrialists and the government. The workers responded en masse with the strike, demanding the signing of a sectoral Collective Agreement with increases in wages.

Our Federation together with the business unions continue the effort to have, outside of the sectoral Agreement, business Agreements in the workplaces with expanded rights… We are sending a loud message to industrialists and the government that we are not backing down from our just demands. We continue the fight with faith in our right. The big battles are ahead. We are rallying workers’ militant forces. We will succeed. We will win”.



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