Militant Rally of Fire-Affected in Evia Demanding Measures of Support

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With a militant rally the Struggle Committees of those affected by the fires in the island of Evia, along with the local unions demanded immediate measures of support by the state in order to stay and live in their homeland.

The speakers at the rally expressed their gratitude to the people and the unions that organized the massive campaign of material solidarity for those in need and stated that they will not accept the tricks and tactics of the government and big business groups, who try to exploit the situation in order to gain cheap labor and control the land.

The rally presented its list of demands highlighting:

“Restoration of all the damages that have occurred in our villages. To ensure the accommodation and food for all the people who lost their houses.

IMMEDIATE flood protection measures for all the villages because in the first rains we will drown. Employment of all forest workers in flood control works with the scientific supervision of the forest authorities, as they have knowledge of the forest and the necessary tools.

Immediate emergency financial assistance to all those affected without any terms and conditions, to meet the basic needs of survival.

Compensation for cattle and livestock disasters, for burned agricultural machinery and all equipment at 100% without terms and conditions.

It is the responsibility of the state to provide as much feed as is necessary to all stockbreeders for as long as the grazing ban lasts. To ensure the necessary materials for the survival of the bee farms.

…To freeze and delete all debts to banks, IRS, electricity, etc for those living in the affected areas”


At the same time PAME and the Unions continue the campaign of material solidarity with daily gathering and delivery of materials the Centers of Struggle and Solidarity of the Fire victims in Evia Photo


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