Militant Protest of Healthcare and Sanitation Workers Attacked by Police

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On Friday, February 18, thousands of workers in Healthcare and Sanitation protested in many cities all over Greece denouncing the Government’s attempt to cut their salaries. The workers who were in the frontline against the pandemic, school cleaners, municipalities sanitation workers, Hospital workers and more were taken off from the category of Hazardous and Unhealthy Professions (BAE) which will result in significant cut in their monthly salaries, as well the working conditions and their Health and Safety  protection.

During the massive protest in Athens center the Government sent Riot Police against the “Heroes of the fight Against the Pandemic”. The police forces attacked violently against the peaceful protest using also tear gas and flash grenades. In a show of force the riot police attacked again an hour later while representatives of the workers were to meet with the Government. In protest the workers’ delegation left the meeting calling for a new, massive and militant response to the Government’s plans.



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