Militant Protest at the Ministry of Labour

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On Monday, July 5th, National Federations and Unions of Athens held a militant protest at the Ministry of Labour, against the plans for new anti-workers’ reforms.

After a call by the National Federations of Construction, Food & Drinks, Pharmaceutical, Press and Printing and Accountants, dozens of Unions rallied at the Ministry of Labour protesting about the conditions in the workplaces (unpaid workers, layoffs, worsening work conditions) and also demanding clear answers by the Minister on the new reforms in labour relations.

At the meeting the Minister of the SYRIZA Government acted as if such problems do not exist for the workers of Greece. In addition, the minister confirmed that the Greek Government of SYRIZA, does not plan the reestablishment of the minimum wage (which was cut 25%), but he did not refuse the possibility to make new cuts. In addition, on the issue of legalizing mass layoffs, he stated that the “employers do not demand this at the moment”!

The delegation of the unionists responded that “this ministry and this Government, acts in order to serve and protect the demands of the employers”.

The Federations called the workers to be on alert, to prepare to fight against the new measures planned, and to protect the workers from the employers’ attack in the workplaces.


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