Material Aid For the Refugees

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PAME calls the trade union organizations, the pensioners, the self-employed, farmers, students’ and women’s unions to organize the gathering of material aid to the refugees.

Every day we witness the ongoing crime of NATO-EU in the Middle East. Wars, imperialist interventions, poverty, bombings force hundreds of thousands to become refugees. Through fire they reach the Aegean Sea. They fight against the waves, shipwrecked in the Greek islands, aiming to continue their journey for other countries. Mothers with babies in their arms, little children and young continue on foot their path to survival. At the same time the Schengen Treaty, the EU policy closes the doors and traps them in Greece, without even the most basic necessities. In the cold, under rain, in camps that are a disgrace for every human being. At the same time the Greek Government only cares about the imposition of the NATO-EU decisions.

Against this situation the workers of Greece will not stand inactive! We will not become accomplices in the imperialist’s crime. We will not let racist, xenophobic cries (of the same who support the imperialist interventions that cause the refugees) to dominate.

Now every Union, every People’s Committee, every association, anyone who wants to be called human to organize the gathering of material aid for the refugees.

The class trade unions all over Greece have already organized a mechanism to provide basic materials to the refugees. From Athens to Thessaloniki, from Larisa to Idomeni, the workers and people of Greece work to provide the necessary to those in need.

However, the problem cannot be solved by people’s solidarity, no matter how strong that is. For this reason the class unions organize the struggle and demand by the state:

  • The immediate transfer of all refugees to their destinations.

  • The creation of humane facilities for the sheltering of the refugees for the period they are forced to remain in Greece

  • The Greek Government to stop any participation or support to the imperialist interventions

Athens, March 15, 2016


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