Massive Participation in the Strike Action of Maritime Workers

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The maritime trade unions that rally with PAME move on to the second day of strike against the antiworkers’ policies of the SYRIZA Government. Dozens of ships remained anchored in the harbors and thousands of workers went on strike action on Monday, the 1st day of the strike that stopped transports from Piraeus, Aegean islands, Rafina, Patras, Ionian Sea. The strike continues till tomorrow morning.

Solidarity with the strike action of the Maritime workers was expressed by TUI Transport of WFTU, CTB Brazil, SEGDAMELIN PEO Cyprus and USB Transport of Italy.

On Friday, comrade Ali Riza Kucukosmanoglu, President of TUI Transport of WFTU, visited PAME’s offices in Athens, where he met with the Executive Committee of PAME and the maritime trade unions and was informed about the strike.

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