Massive Meetings Prepare the Escalation of the Struggle

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With Massive Meetings all over Greece, the workers’ Federations, Trade Unions, Associations of the Self-employed, Students’ Unions, and People’s Committees prepare the next steps of the movement, the escalation of the Struggle.

On Thursday, February 11, workers’ Federations from many sectors called an open meeting of the union leaderships of Athens so as to prepare the next response of the working class and the popular strata: A 2 day National General Strike Against the Butcher Bill of the Government on Social Security.

The hundreds of Union leaders that participated transferred their experience of the struggles so far and their determination and will to continue till the Bill is withdrawn!

Photos of the meeting in Athens at:

The Unions also confirmed their participation to the demonstrations with the Farmers on Friday 12 and Saturday 13 of February.


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